Last week Crikey reported that one of the “pick-up artists” from Real Social Dynamics was in Australia as part of a free tour, giving seminars to men that promised techniques to guarantee success with women. The website even offered that men could be as successful as movie producers and strip club owners (they aim high).

The group has courted controversy in Australia because its methods, as shown in YouTube videos, include using physical force and degrading women. While the seminars were not as well publicised as similar events run by Julien Blanc in 2014, with secret locations only revealed to attendees hours before the scheduled start time, activist group Collective Shout has managed to pressure budget hotel chain Vibe Hotels into cancelling the shows, and RSD has tweeted that the Australian leg of the tour has been cancelled. According to Vibe’s Twitter account, the group had booked its event spaces under a different name to avoid being detected:


A petition demanding that member Jeff Allen’s visa be cancelled gained 60,000 signatures and the Immigration Department has acquiesced, cancelling his visa in the same way it did against Julien Blanc.

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