A certain former Labor leader who used to contribute interesting policy ideas to the public debate but is now more well-known for his increasingly batshit rants is in the news again today. This time he has views on domestic violence, cultural elitists and “the patriarchy”. Yawn.

We’ve chosen not to give his views more oxygen. Instead, we quote outgoing Australian of the Year Rosie Batty, who has worked tirelessly in the past year to give domestic violence the kind of public attention it deserves:

“Whilst we celebrate the wonderful country that we live in today, there remains a serious epidemic across our nation. No matter where you live, family violence exists in every pocket of every neighbourhood. It does not discriminate, and it is across all sections of our society. Family violence may happen behind closed doors, but it needs to be brought out from these shadows and into broad daylight. One in six women has experienced physical or sexual abuse by a current or former partner, including some of those celebrating with us today.”

“To the Australian people, look around. Do not ignore what you see and what you know is wrong. Call out sexist attitudes and speak up when violence against women is trivialised. To men, we need you to challenge each other and become part of the solution. Raise the conversation and don’t shy away from this uncomfortable topic. We cannot do this without you. To the women and children who are unsafe, in hiding or living in fear, who have changed their names, left their extended families and moved from their communities to find safety, you do not deserve to live a life that is dictated by violence. You are not to blame.”

Congratulations, Rosie. You have made a difference.