Your friendly neighbourhood torrenting news website TorrentFreak reported yesterday HBO is pulling out all stops to prevent people from pirating the latest season of Game of Thrones. It’s managed to get torrents pulled from the most popular torrent sites, and has begun sending out warning letters to ISPs to encourage them to punish their users for downloading the wildly popular show.

It’s likely to be reported in Australia that HBO is going to come for us, given we are always at the top of the list of countries pirating the show, but it’s not clear whether that will actually eventuate for a couple of reasons. One, Foxtel is currently litigating a court case to get piracy sites blocked, and will probably be focused on that rather than pursuing individual downloaders. Two, ISPs won a High Court case that they are not required to pass on certain kinds of notices. Three, a notice scheme negotiated between rights holders and ISPs is on ice for at least a year while the site blocking issue is sorted.