On Turnbull’s new ministry

George Stewart writes: Re. “Keane: Turnbull’s reshuffle signals the triumph of protectionism” (yesterday). Yet more apologies for Turnbull. Are we really thinking innovation is something revolutionary and novel? Might have been the watch cry forty years ago but if he’s only getting round to it now, it’s a bit late in the day. Crikey must rank as Turnbull’s chief apologist, a failed opposition leader, an inept minister and now a broken Prime Minister. What does the man have to do to be recognised as a failure, a man without balls, unable to pursue any of his so-called liberal ideas for fear of having to take on opponents?


Crikey writes: Re. “‘Lure of a car crash’: why producers kept Hanson’s name in lights” (yesterday). Senator Sam Dastyari was born in Iran, not Iraq as stated in yesterday’s article.