This week the great and the good of live export industry will be gathering at the QT hotel in Canberra (it used to be known as the Lakeside, for those with fond memories of 1980s political TV coverage) to discuss “Striking the Social Balance: Regulation, Accountability and Profitability”. It’s particularly good timing because it was only last week that independent MP Andrew Wilkie unveiled yet more nauseating footage of horrific abuse of live-exported Australian animals in the Middle East and Malaysia. That only prompted what is now the usual response from the government — that the current regulatory system is fine.
The conference program promises a panel on “addressing the outrage”, to which we could suggest that not causing it in the first place might be good way to address it. Perhaps the live exporters can adjust their conference “theme” — the balance appears to be little regulation, no accountability and an entire emphasis on profitability at the expense of animals. Something to consider over the “Coopers Animal Health Sundowner Welcome BBQ and Drinks” at the end of day one?
Thanks to the relevant Federal and State governments screwing our homegrown industries we now blythely send our livestock to be killed, and tortured, in countries with little interest in treating animals humanely. And to hear the present Liberal government uttering inconsequential waffle on the subject is gorge-raising. Once again people who export anything in this country are permitted to be monsters. Whereas the ordinary member of the electorate would be fined, or locked up, for treating animals in this manner.
Why do we agree to it anyway. Cattle prices are sky high and our export abbatoirs (who are forced to apply the highest welfare standards in the world) can’t get stock. You’d think local jobs might also be a priority