George Bush Sr called it “the big mo” — the magical political property of momentum, in which popular support and media publicity drive a mutually reinforcing cycle leading ultimately, in Bush’s case, to the presidency.
It abandoned PM Malcolm Turnbull some time ago, reducing an initially promising prime ministership to his present state of hostage at the hands of hostile elements on his own side.
Nor can Opposition Leader Bill Shorten meaningfully claim to have momentum on his side, despite a respectable election result last July. Indeed, the only time federal Labor has done more than tread water in the two decades since the Hawke-Keating era was in the five minutes of political sunshine it enjoyed during Kevin Rudd’s first stint in the leadership.
The force in Australian politics who truly has the wind in her sails is Pauline Hanson, who finds the times suiting her in ways she could scarcely have imagined during her first spell in the national limelight.
Hanson’s latest breakthrough came on Friday, when Steve Dickson’s defection from the Liberal National Party gave her party its first seat in the Queensland Parliament since 2009.
Hanson claims other MPs have approached her with the same idea in mind, and while there may be an element of hucksterism to this, it would make all kinds of sense if it were true.
For one thing, there’s been something of a tradition in recent years of Queensland LNP members defecting to minor parties.
Shane Knuth, Aidan McLindon and Ray Hopper made the switch to Katter’s Australian Party before it was crowded out at the 2013 federal election by the Palmer United Party, which then became the defecting Queensland conservative’s destination of choice, for a time claiming Alex Douglas and Carl Judge among its number.
[The Greens drive regular Aussies into the arms of Pauline Hanson]
This may not seem a terribly promising scorecard, given that only Shane Knuth is still around — and the chances are that he could just as easily hold his rural seat of Dalrymple as an independent.
However, it’s entirely clear that Hansonism is a more potent and enduring force than Katterism or Palmerism, to the tellingly limited extent that those terms could be said to mean anything.
More than a few LNP members would be casting their minds back to One Nation’s sweep of 11 seats at the state election of 1998, and calculating whether joining the party might be a better bet than beating it.
For a sense of who might be most vulnerable, a very clear guide is available courtesy of the results from last year’s Senate election, at which Pauline Hanson and Malcolm Roberts were elected from a statewide party vote of 9.2%.
There are a range of reasons the party would expect to do better than that at the next state election: its 16% support according to the most recent opinion poll, an established record of outperforming its poll ratings at the ballot box, and the dozens of candidates it already has in place to do the leg work at local level, in contrast to the shoestring campaign it ran last year.
The state election is due early next year, but there has been speculation that Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk will go early, partly to get in ahead of what is likely to be an unfavourable redistribution.
Going off the boundaries that exist currently, the table below draws on Senate polling booth results to identify the 10 seats most at risk for each of the two major parties.
Clear at the top of the list for the LNP is Lockyer, which covers the rural areas between Ipswich and Toowoomba.
Pauline Hanson herself ran here at the January 2015 election, and came within 114 votes of knocking off LNP member Ian Rickuss.
The seat was among the 11 won by One Nation in 1998, and one of only two that stayed with the party at the next election in 2001.
Hanson’s pulling power as a candidate will not be a factor this time, but nor will that of Rickuss himself, since he has announced his intention to retire.
There is little to separate One Nation support among the remaining seats on the LNP list, three of which are held by frontbenchers (Deb Frecklington, Stephen Bennett and Andrew Cripps).
But while direct support for One Nation tends to be strongest in traditional heartlands areas for the Nationals, the party faces the catch that preferences will be directed against them by Labor.
The other side of this coin is that they may be better placed to win seats at Labor’s expense, since the LNP is clearly preparing the way for a preference deal with One Nation.
It was the same story in 1998, when six of One Nation’s 11 seats were won from Labor, who were able to make good the difference by winning as many seats from the Liberals.
[How do you stop polygamy? With overreaching surveillance, of course]
Labor’s danger areas include the two seats that cover Hanson’s old stamping ground of Ipswich, where the threat is intensified by the weakness of the LNP, since the One Nation candidates will have a low bar to clear in overtaking the LNP and scooping up their preferences.
Also at risk are cabinet ministers Bill Byrne in Rockhampton and Leanne Donaldson in Bundaberg — perhaps especially the latter, since she faces One Nation’s most outwardly impressive candidate in Jane Truscott.
An irony for Labor is that the flow of One Nation preferences stands to be strengthened by the abolition of optional preferential voting, which Queensland has had since an earlier Labor government introduced it in 1991.
This was achieved through a legislative sleight of hand that caught a furious LNP by surprise, and was plainly pursued with the intention of increasing preferences to Labor from the Greens.
Not for the first time, a too-clever-by-half government stands to be bitten on the backside by a self-interested electoral reform failing to play out the way it envisioned.
If so, the hope for Labor will be that the LNP’s cosying-up to One Nation on preferences will drive city voters to Labor in decisive numbers, just as they did during former premier Peter Beattie’s golden years in the decade after 1998.
Thank you for the interesting analysis William. Two matters not mentioned are the Adani coal mine and the Greens. Since both LNP and Labor have committed to supporting, even subsidising, Adani, the environmental vote will have nowhere to go, especially with optional preferential voting out of the question. Surely Labor’s metro seats will be endangered by it’s prehistoric approach to coal mining and its support for a wholesale assault on the GBR by the outrageous expansion plans of the Port of Townsville with increases in sea dumping of maintenance dredge spoil and wholesale reclamation inside the World Heritage Area in the middle of endangered snub fin dolphin habitat. Pragmatic Labor or high stakes gamble? I guess we’ll soon see.
So…every other political party in the country is BS, according to you William. I am fed up with this Pauline Hanson is ‘wonderful’ nonsense…she is a dangerous lunatic who should be ignored!
The mere fact that according to
(following on from the previous entry)…The mere fact that, according to ABC news, Hanson is the only politician in Oz invited to the Trump inauguration, just proves the point. Like-minded lunatics!
She should have absolutely NO publicity AT ALL…especially in Crikey!!
CML, why should Labor or LNP get any publicity in Queensland in the run-up to the next state election (due in early 2018) when both are in a joint ticket to subsidise, sponsor or actually buy into opening up the Galilee Basin to coal mining? The ALP is openly campaigning for Adani in Townsville, can you believe it? (probably not). Labor’s too-clever-by-half fiddling with the optional preferential voting system in Qld is about as bright as the deadshit support they once gave to Family First in Victoria and the rolling of Kevin Rudd back in the day. Dopey factional upstarts with f.wit agendas that are as far from Labour ideology as you can get. The LNP is worse although it’s getting hard to tell. Where I come from, the support for Pauline Hanson is mostly from Labor people – I know because I know the Labor people who vote for her, they’re quite open about it.
Hugh…if you know all these former Labor people who now vote for Hanson, they must be as stupid as you seem to be!
CML, these are CURRENT Labor people. You must be old school.
Well, the debacle in WA is what happened last time. The party blew itself up because Pauline does not get it.
Could you do a bit more through work please William, and tell us more, do a story, why is she so popular, and who is backing her, is it Kerry Stokes, or Murdoch, and why are all the fundamental Christians love her, with out knocking her of course, just want to know, who is behind her and why, is she going to help disabled, or stop welfare, or going to the Trump inauguration, who is paying for her tickets, did she and friends go to see Trump a few months ago? Is there a former adviser of Trumps working now with One Nation, you know stories like this please, politicians get plenty of free advertising , so if you want to advertise One Nation do it legally please.