One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts has introduced a lot to Parliament, and his insult to the Prime Minister in Senate question time means a particularly Australian idiom has now made its way to Hansard. Roberts said:
“The Prime Minister, after 10 years of demonising carbon dioxide, is now like a shag on a rock. What we need to see is a policy based on empirical data on climate.”
The comment prompted NSW Senator Sam Dastyari to taunt “how do you shag on a rock?” from the bench, and the young reporters at BuzzFeed also queried what he meant — they’ve been now told it’s a reference to the bird.
Interestingly enough, it’s not the first time an Australian Prime Minister has been labelled a “shag on a rock” in relation to climate change policy. Mark Kenny used the phrase in The Sydney Morning Herald in 2014 to describe Tony Abbott’s approach to climate change talks.
Ha! How would they understand “the bird on the biscuit tin”? This might remain Malcolm Roberts’ most significant contribution.