“The ABC has revealed it will not sack Muslim youth activist Yassmin Abdul-Magied despite more than 15,000 signatures ‘to publicly condemn and fire’ her over pro sharia Law comments,” says News Corp in a story that’s part of its continuing fatuouswa against Abdul-Magied. “Despite” is an interesting word in this context. So 15,000 signatures is the standard to get someone removed from their job, or the regular speaking roster on the ABC? Pretty sure we could round up that many to ensure that Gerard Henderson never show his sour puss on Insiders again, or that Tom Switzer’s forthcoming Sunday morning show is even more boring than Songs of Praise live from Geraldton cathedral. Is programming by petition something you really want to start? — Guy Rundle
News Corp throws stones over Yassmin Abdel-Magied petition
We could get 15,000 signatures to ban Gerard Henderson from Insiders. Easy.
I’d reckon a petition to keep Gerard’s sour puss off Insiders , would generate 150,000
signatures in a heartbeat.
Where do I sign?
This petition shows that Change.org are not really quite as socially adept as they might want us to think. The crowd that put the petition up, Altcon, are nasty islamophobes, masquerading as contemplative scholarly types who just want to get to the “truth” but who can not stand any criticisms on their onanistic blog.
I’m comfortable with this dismissal petition idea if News Limited agree to the same principle in relation to their staff. Why not start with Bill Leak?
I’m sorry to have to tell you this, Guy. Tom Switzer’s Sunday morning show isn’t forthcoming. It’s a weekly reality. And it’s really boring.
It would be refreshing if News Ltd turned attention to reporting actual news rather than publishing Coalition press releases ad nauseam or firing up xenophobic hate campaigns.
Gerard Henderson is harmless enough, at least he provides a few chuckles on Insiders but please, please, banish Downer Jnr from the ABC, there is nothing to recommend her (even as a mild joke).