Susan Faludi
Back when I was still young and firm enough to believe that sexism could be crushed by the force of my empowered heel, there was a book written for gals like me called Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women. Published in 1991, Susan Faludi’s work ignited the anger of many Western women. The problem, as Faludi and her readers saw it, was that women had achieved so much equality, a resentful media had begun the work of reversing it. She said that this cycle reliably played out: when women make the gains of liberation, a cranky male orthodoxy attempts to take it away with public calls to send ladies back to the kitchen, etc.
If you believe that there’s a historical tendency in Western capitalist societies to greater social equality, this is a good take. You say that things get better and better for women, and for everyone, and that the attempts to contain this are evidence of old power reasserting itself, of the desire for stasis. You yell at the old men, “Stop getting in the way of history!”, never imagining that the conditions of history itself had produced this resentment.
Faludi had written the book just after Francis Fukuyama’s influential essay The End of History? compellingly described the social and cultural perfection that only Western liberalism could deliver. It shows. She believed that the West was en route to balance, and only old guys with bad attitudes were holding it back.
This sort of story was tempting for a young woman raised in the neoliberal tradition to read as fact. It’s tempting again today. Faludi is back to speak with young women of the pussy-hat type who earnestly believe that theirs is a collective history of ascending liberation, which particular old people, such as Donald Trump, wish to quash.
Trump is, of course, fatally unpleasant. That he will continue the Republican tradition of attempting to impede women’s access to reproductive medicine is very likely. That the man is a sexist old beanbag is surely beyond doubt. What is not beyond doubt, however, is that belief so central to both Western feminism and liberalism: equality for all is possible under our current mode of economic organisation, if only we change our attitudes.
[Print as many pamphlets as you like, it won’t end domestic violence]
Faludi wrote for the US middle-class, a group that was by then dwindling in size and is now approaching Depression-era levels of existence. No working-class women were going to be particularly affected by, say, the Vice-President’s curious criticism of Murphy Brown, a Backlash-type indicator of the sexism we were supposed to be angry about. Low-paid female workers did not gain better conditions as the result of Candice Bergen’s depiction of a sassy professional, nor did they suffer when Dan Quayle chided the fictional character for having a baby out of wedlock. The only women troubled by such a thing were those who believed that the only barriers to their professional success were sexist speech and a lack of personal aspiration.
Wage stagnation for a majority of persons was already a fact in the deluded End of History years, and Western wealth inequality now has the graphic shape of that in 1929. As much as I happen to personally enjoy an empowering woman on TV, I don’t think we can say that an absence of them had much to do with the policy settings that now affect so many of us, whatever our gender. These days, it’s considered a crude argument lacking in “nuance” to point to something like reduced income as a major factor in the experience of inequality. But without crude material things, the refined experiences of watching Murphy Brown or knitting a pussy-hat are just not possible.
Still. The feminist argument, per Faludi, that attitudes start everything and that economic history just follows, persists. Women do not earn much only because of sexism! Fix the attitude, and you’ll fix their economic problems.
It’s true, of course, that there’s a gender wage gap. And it’s true that this has had quite a bit to do with the idea of the virtuous Victorian woman who would be paid in admiration for her contributions to society rather than in currency. But, it’s also true that the wages of that currently reviled group, white men, have declined more drastically in the past twenty years than that of any other group. And it’s true that those Victorian virtues such as childcare, food preparation, the creation of social bonds and what sociologists call “affective labour” remain just as necessary to current economic function as they ever were, but women, having been “liberated” by Murphy Brown into work, have little time to enact them.
The twentieth century idea of a family wage has been long forgotten, and feminists, understandably, haven’t done anything to hang onto it. But this is the problem with thinkers like Faludi: they see just one backlash against everyday freedom where they need to see, at the very least, two. The matter of how we spend our labour time is, in my view, at least as important as the things that awful politicians say. Someone needs to feed the kids, and the solution to this is, surely, more complex than “we need more sensitive househusbands” in an age where everyone needs two wages to survive.
The need to feed a family and then find the time to put food in that family’s mouth is not going to change. But liberal feminism seems largely incapable of making those calculations. Certainly, it has not developed the tools to understand how the means to live can prompt people to become more sexist, and “backlash” to memories of a time where one person could practice the virtue of care and the other of paid labour.
[Pampered ideologues mislead us on ‘stigma’ and mental health]
As liberal feminists responded to an annual US report released last month about youth attitudes to gender, we could see the failure to understand time and money again. When researchers found that Millennials craved stay-at-home wives, this was reported in both local and US press as hard evidence of a Trump-led backlash. If young men wanted their women barefoot and pregnant, then this must be the result of sexist language in politics and media.
Certainly, the results of the data, taken from the Rolls Royce of US studies the General Social Survey, seem shocking. That Millennials are now less progressive in their understanding of women and labour than they were 20 years ago certainly deserves some thought. How could this happen? Jamila Rizvi of News Corp sees it, Faludi style, as the failure of young men to truly understand how liberating flexible gender roles can be for everyone. What she doesn’t factor in to a survey largely on attitudes to paid labour and unpaid domestic labour is labour.
To give The New York Times its due, the material basis for this shift in thinking among young men is considered in analysis. I’ll applaud the publication a little longer for its addition of an editor’s note. It wasn’t only Millennial men yearning for a return to man as breadwinner. Seems like it was women as well. The rise in favourability toward the idea of a stay-at-home wife is “no longer driven mainly by young men”.
No doubt, Faludi and others will see this as evidence of female self-loathing, driven by negative speech in press. Perhaps liberal feminism could extend its powers of analysis by going to work for median wage for a week or so. It’s quite possible that the self-loathing they experience there will exceed any experienced in the unpaid domestic realm.
Oh dear Helen you are going to upset them. I like this article because it highlights a lot of 1st world problem bullshit. I have some relatives in Canada who in all their feminist anti-Trumpism (fair enough) don’t see the reason he was elected. They have never been short of a quid. I grew up with a mother who was a practical feminist, she believed that all options should be there for women. I also had an aunt who was a highly respected scientist. we are talking 50 years ago here. I believe that the more women in work thing is a massive con to reduce wages. If women want to work fine, if both partners in a family want to work, fine. But we do not address the social disruption to child raising of both partners working, or the economic disruption of none. We will never be able to employ all the men and women who need/want jobs, unless we shrink the population. There are not enough jobs and there never will be. The family wage at least allowed some kind of choice. The capitalist system is on the edge of the abyss. We cannot have indefinite growth in a finite system and we cannot find new slaves indefinitely in poor countries. All the “service” industries (there is a laugh) require someone outside to but the service. You have pricked a few holes in the balloon, well done.
It is mad gross that child care as a paid service has to be factored in if both partners work. This burden ends up falling on women in the vast majority of cases. The need for 2 incomes and the various costs of not being home often result in low paid part time work. Even in the cases where the father is the one staying at home this still means one is stuck in crap work and juggling their domestic duties. Or they hire replacement parents, eating up their pay.
Worse still, as far as The Economy is concerned, this is great! Profits will go up everywhere, and child care will sell like hotcakes!
The data the New York Times article was based on is a very small sample and teh conclusions drawn were dodgy.
Emily Beam – adventures in garbage millennial confirmation bias
“I suspect it’s another, less sexy story: you can’t say a lot about millennials based on talking to 66 men.”
I want single income households *monkey paw curls up 1 finger* *worn out woman comes home late from the bar, her husband looks up from his video game* Hi honey how was your day?
Jokes aside, 2 income households seem to me like wages are half what they actually should be. In a sane world, wouldn’t dual incomes mean both work half as much? How did we allow this to happen?
Do you really mean median wage, not minimum wage?
Yes. In Australia that is 50k pa.
One thing to consider in the Australian context is that having two income households has but meant that now only two income households are able to buy houses. That is, for 90% of families, there is no longer a choice about whether the partner works if you want to own your own home. If you’re single well you’ve just lost any hope of owning a house for 90% of singles.
One possible solution is that we have two currencies, only one of which can be used to buy houses. If you’re single or the only worker in a couple, you can only receive 1/2 of your wage in housing money. If you’re a couple both working, you can only receive 1/4 of your total income in housing money. You can use housing money to buy anything but you can’t use ordinary money to buy houses or pay mortgages and you can’t use ordinary money to pay rent. This is a variation on ration books but it would stop the rampant house price inflation that is pricing people out of the housing market.
I watch couples who have kids and I honestly don’t know how they cope. My Mum managed to buy a house on an ordinary wage as a single Mum. That would be impossible now.
Equally I see a friend who has kids and does the 9-5+ day job with unpaid overtime, the cooking, the dishes, the school lunches, showering the kids, and on the weekends the vacuuming, tidying moping, mowing and washing. He’s exhausted and struggling to make ends meet on a single wage and they are living in his wife’s parent’s extra house.
I’m not surprised that Millennials long for a system in which you can live a good but not spectacular life on one income. That doesn’t mean that men and women shouldn’t have equal opportunities to work and they should also both be able to have a half time job so both can enjoy the kids while they are kids.