You could’ve knocked me down with a feather when it was revealed that Matt Canavan, the coal-loving and abortion-hating, quintessential boot-clad National Party MP and cabinet minister, is in fact half-Eyetalian. If we could actually return Australia to the Menzies era, as much of the Coalition dreamily desires, we’d be obliged to call poor Matty a “wog”.
Canavan’s is the biggest scalp yet claimed by the rampaging section 44(i) of the Australian constitution. Having already taken down two Greens senators — Scott Ludlam and Larissa Waters — it continues to circle Parliament like a rabid dog with a keen sense of fun.
Canavan has stood down from the ministry but won’t resign, unlike Ludlum and Waters. Instead, he’s relying on the assurance of the eminent legal scholar George Brandis, who is quite sure that Canavan’s defence — that his mum did it — will stand up. So, it’s all eyes to the High Court, which will decide whether Canavan has been violating the constitution or not.
The High Court has only seriously addressed s44(i) once before, and how it handled it then makes the task of guessing Canavan’s fate rather less straightforward than George is suggesting.
The main problem is the shitty drafting of the provision. I won’t go into the whole thing, but the relevant words on which this case will hang are these:
“Any person who … is a subject or a citizen of a foreign power … shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a senator or a member of the House of Representatives.”
Now, the obvious thing to do, you might think, and the High Court would usually agree, would be to give those words their literal meaning since they are palpably clear. On that basis, all we need to know is that an MP is currently a citizen of another country, whether or not they’re also an Australian citizen. If they are, regardless of the circumstances of how they acquired that foreign citizenship, then they are ineligible and that’s the end of it.
If, as we’re being told, Canavan’s mum fronted up at the Italian consulate a decade ago and, without telling him, filled in a form on his behalf applying for Italian citizenship on the basis of his descent, and thus he became an Italian citizen, then game over. Makes no difference that this is all news to him.
But there’s a wrinkle. The High Court, usually a stickler for not messing around with the clear language of lawmakers, has considered this very question once before and decided that the words in s44(i) don’t mean quite exactly what they say.
[Section 44 claims Matt Canavan … but via the High Court?]
The case was Sykes v Cleary in 1992. Phil Cleary, the footy legend, had been elected but his eligibility was successfully challenged on the basis that he was a public servant (a separate ground of invalidity). The second- and third-place getters in the election, John Delacretaz and Bill Kardamitsis, were also challenged on the basis that they held dual citizenships — of Switzerland and Greece, respectively.
Each of these gentlemen had been born overseas and therefore acquired his foreign citizenship by birth. Each had later become an Australian citizen and sworn the oath of allegiance, which at that time included a formal renunciation of foreign allegiances. However, neither had ever taken formal steps to renounce his foreign citizenship.
The court was troubled by the strict wording of s44(i). Acknowledging that it does read plainly, the judges pointed out that that interpretation could have some pretty bizarre results. At one extreme, if a foreign country decided just for fun to unilaterally confer its citizenship on every member of Australia’s Parliament, they’d all instantly become ineligible to continue as MPs.
Good point. To avoid silliness, the court took the unusual step of deciding that the words needed to be “read down”. That’s polite judge-talk for acknowledging that the drafting was so bad it had to be ignored.
Actually, reading down means putting more words in. The solution the court came up with was to say that s44(i) will only disqualify an MP who turns out to be a dual citizen if they have not “taken reasonable steps to renounce” the foreign citizenship.
Applying that to the case, the majority found that both Switzerland and Greece had procedures available for seeking renunciation. Because Delacretaz and Kardamitsis had not taken any steps to invoke these procedures, they weren’t eligible for the get-out clause the court had inserted. So, they were disqualified.
The problem that courts cause when they try their hand at legislative drafting, no matter how well intended or (as in this case) necessary, is that it’s really hard to guess how they’ll then deal with new factual situations that they weren’t contemplating when they fixed the first problem.
[Greens shock: Scott Ludlam resigns over NZ citizenship]
Which brings us to the present pickle. The situations of Ludlam and Waters appear straightforward. They are foreign citizens by birth, and have never taken steps to renounce those citizenships. Their ineligibility seems beyond doubt, assuming the High Court has no appetite for changing its interpretation.
Canavan is a different kettle of fish, however, and there isn’t much in what the High Court said in the Cleary case that should give him comfort. In fact, there’s one thing it did say, which I think might cause him a problem.
Much is being said about the fact that, on Canavan’s assertions, he knew nothing about his acquisition of foreign citizenship, didn’t want it and didn’t ask for it. Assume that that’s all correct, and that nevertheless he is, under Italian law, now an Italian citizen. (If there were irregularities in the process, then he may not be, which would obviate the whole s44(i) concern anyway).
However, Ludlam and Waters didn’t know they were foreign citizens either. They both, wrongly but innocently, believed they weren’t. More importantly, the same boat includes at least Kardamitsis and presumably Delacretaz too.
The High Court recounted that, until the court action was commenced, Kardamitsis did not know that he might still have Greek citizenship nor that there were procedures by which he could renounce it. He was completely ignorant of his dual citizenship, having assumed that his naturalisation as an Australian citizen had ended it.
[Another Green falls by the wayside as Larissa Waters discovers Canadian citizenship]
However, the court found against Kardamitsis solely because he had not taken reasonable steps to renounce his Greek citizenship, even though he had no idea that he needed to do so or what those steps were. That is to say, as the legal maxim goes, ignorance is no excuse.
Which definitely fixes Ludlam’s and Waters’ caboose, but what about Canavan? Unlike the others, he was an Australian citizen first. But is that better or worse? His foreign citizenship isn’t an accident of birth, it’s the consequence of a deliberate choice. That may have been his mum’s choice, but it’s not that easy to identify a substantive or moral distinction between his ignorance and that of Kardamitsis. They’re equally “innocent” victims of the intricacies of international law.
The Cleary principle really doesn’t help here. The strict words of s44(i) remain, qualified so far only by the extra words the court inserted which give an out to dual citizens who have taken reasonable steps to renounce. Canavan has taken no such steps. The question the High Court will now have to consider is whether it needs to put even more words into the section to deal with a situation where citizenship has been acquired, not through the unilateral act of a foreign state, but through the meddling of a well-meaning third party. And whether, in that scenario, ignorance is, in fact, an excuse.
When I put it that way, it looks a bit of a stretch. I’m not at all sure this is going to go as Matteo would prefer.
As to whether s44(i) should be amended by referendum, well yes, obviously. It’s a mess.
As I commented yesterday – why would the High Court disturb the inhabitants of another nice big building inCanberra
Don’t worry – the High Court will give him a pass – bet on that [ and then justify it in at least 20 + pages, that is if it is a BRIEF rationalisation]
The High Court has sided with the executive more than it has sided with anyone else .
It treats the Constitution as a piece of elastic – stretches the meaning of the words of the Constitution to mean what they think the words mean. They use words such as could be ‘characterised as’ – or for ‘policy reasons’ it means this etc.
Never has the High Court said – when written it meant this – -and now when we look at it it stills means what it meant.
So the High Court as the third arm of government will not disturb a ” minister of the crown”
Will Ladbrokes,CrownBet,William Hill,UBET, and other betting sites begin publishing odds. – I’d lay a bet.
That’s not really true. Heather Hill and many other poms thought they were safe as poms wrote the constitution to exclude everyone but poms, then in 1998 the High court weirdly declared poms a foreign power even though the head of state of Australia is a pom and unless we find the balls for a republic will remain so. In fact only 1 family can be our head of state and they are decidedly poms.
In fact when they wrote the constitution they left out any mention of citizenship fearing the nation would stop being all poms and today’s mess is what we have been left with even though it’s been recommended since 1992 to change it.
Our constitution is not much to go by, it also allows for permanent jailing of innocent people so long as it’s called administrative.
In Larissa’s case I defy anyone to make sense of the citizenship changes since her accidental birth in Canada under populate or perish post WW11 laws because like ours the citizenship still adheres to all people being Canadian British subjects and has changed at least 4 times since Larissa was born there. Today she would have to migrate to Canada and do the normal wait times as she has no Canadian ancestry so while Bradley and all the other lazies say it’s all straight forward it’s as impossible to make head or tail of as our citizenship laws which can be cancelled on the whim of the minister of the day.
The royal family arent Poms. Our current monarch is half Scottish, 3/8 German, and 1/8 Danish. Charles is 1/4 Scottish, 1/4 Greek, 5/16 Danish, and 3/16 German. William will be the most English monarch in centuries, George even more so.
And people really need to get their head around the concept of separate monarchies residing in one individual.
Why? It’s an anachronism that shouldn’t have any baring on Australia, today.
sound argument, refreshing change from the bush lawyering of Barnaby Joyce, excitable journalists, waffling academics, and one psephologist in particular.
look to the politics for why Carnavan is not resigning now, delay has its own rewards
Canavan & the Coalition obviously believe in the concept of being ‘half-pregnant’.
If Canavan acknowledges his citizenship dilemma warrants resigning from Cabinet then it also warrants resigning as an MP – it’s not possible to be in violation of the Constitution as a minister while, simultaneously, not be in violation as an MP.
Aye, aye, Zut Alors. Let’s get rid of Caravan “sans prejuges”. Sorry, my computer doesn’t run to putting on the correct French acute accents.
Once Senator Canavan became an Italian citizen, he would have received voting and other papers for each Italian election or referendum since then. Apparently, no one else (not even your mother) can apply for you – you have to sign the papers yourself. So either way, he must have known he was an Italian citizen, yet took no steps to renounce it.
Ever since the eminent public figure Shane Warne used the “My Mum did it” defence, it has become canon and should be accepted in all courts of the land. For my mind that settles it, Matteo is True Blue, Ridgy Didge, Dinky Di, Australian.