A pre-election plan from the Coalition to fast track tax cuts for small and medium businesses will cost up to $3.6 billion over the four-year, forward estimates period, according to federal Treasury costings.

The Australian Financial Review ($) reports that a policy to bring forward tax cuts for small businesses, while abandoning the remaining, stalled package, was flagged by Malcolm Turnbull, Scott Morrison and Mathias Cormann two days before the leadership spill. Now, after Morrison’s decision to elevate Small Business to the cabinet, the policy is being maintained as an election issue and, if passed, could reportedly be complete five years earlier than scheduled in 2021-22.

In other Libspill news, yet another party leak has alleged that Malcolm Turnbull offered Peter Dutton the deputy leadership in early attempts to ward of a challenge ($).


Victoria Police has responded to criticism over its handling of street violence in Collingwood last weekend with a list of new, high-tech non-lethal weapons they say are ready to be deployed in future incidences.

According to The Age, Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton has announced that, after more than six months of training, police are now ready to deploy new weapons such as semi-automatic 175-shot pepper-ball rifles, 40mm launchers and stinger grenades. The list comes as a direct response to criticisms that police failed to plan for a street brawl that left six people injured Sunday morning, including one they had mistakenly announced required amputation.


A remote Indigenous community at the heart of Tony Abbott’s 2013 pledge to become a “prime minister for Indigenous ­affairs” has challenged him to back its educational reform package under his controversial new role as special envoy.

The Australian ($) reports that, as Abbott signals more punitive plans for increasing school attendance rates in remote areas, Yolngu leaders in north-east Arnhem Land’s Yothu Yindi Foundation are instead championing community-driven policies they have developed throughout the past five years. The “bush university” model would develop curriculums with families, the community, young people and ­experts to holistically provide for Indigenous cultures and languages.



I am a pro-law judge.

Brett Kavanaugh

In a heated day of US Senate hearings, the Supreme Court nominee attempts to convey his love for the law making thingy.


“As he huffs off overseas shortly, Turnbull will reportedly not be in Australia during the byelection and will not campaign for his successor for the seat. A growing list of independents are putting their hands up or considering running. The latest is that the Labor Party has a credible candidate in Tim Murray, who was preselected three months ago.”

“What do you do when you’re the Minister for Northern Australia, your government’s landmark ‘Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility’ is known only for its failure to fund any infrastructure, and one of the nation’s pre-eminent research organisations releases reports showing how uneconomic building new infrastructure in remote locations is? If you’re Matt Canavan, attack inner-city avocado eaters.”

“‘Enjoy’. So goes one exhortation. ‘Taste the feeling’ is another. It’s worked for generations, putting a red contoured bottle into the hands of millions. But the newly-released finances of the Australian owner of the Coca-Cola brand suggest all that enjoyment is fading.”


Former Border Force boss distances himself from Peter Dutton au pair leaks

Liberal Party polling report warned cabinet against rash response to Malcolm Turnbull’s leadership

State Budget 2018: Treasurer Rob Lucas cuts Labor programs, public sector jobs and TAFE campuses to reset SA’s economy ($)

Police rift over top female cop’s sex scandal

Andrew Laming hit by fresh leaks ahead of preselection ($)

David Leyonhjelm in hot water over backyard pool

Hodgman’s Liberals slump in latest EMRS State Voting Intentions Poll ($)

Labor will force return of controversial $443 million Great Barrier Reef grant

Amazon becomes world’s second $1tn company


Myanmar’s jailing of journalists is a serious blow to press freedom — Jodie Ginsberg (The Guardian): “Fearless, independent reporting is vital to democracy. The work by Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, who were investigating the killing by security forces of Rohingya villagers at the time of their arrest, is some of the toughest and most important of all.”

Explosive consequences of Labor’s threat to pull gas trigger — Stephen Bartholomeusz (Sydney Morning Herald): “The scramble between the Coalition and Labor to see who can stake out the most populist position on every hot button issue threatens to do real and lasting damage to the national interest. Labor’s new policy of both reserving gas for domestic use and imposing price controls is a case in point.”

Australia needs the world much more than it needs us ($) — Andre Bragg (The Australian): “Fig leaves are used to justify protectionism. A little-known clause called investor state dispute settlement is just the latest. ISDS provides for investment disputes to be resolved by independent tribunals run by the World Bank or the Permanent Court of Arbitration.”


The Latest Headlines



  • A senate committee will hear from witnesses into the use of discretionary powers relating to Peter Dutton’s au pair scandal, including Home Affairs boss Mike Pezzullo, Border Force, and immigration officials.

  • AustralianSuper chair Heather Ridout, Emeritus Professor and former Chief Scientist Ian Chubb and Griffith Business School Dean Professor Anne Tiernan will speak at the National Press Club on the topic of “Rebooting Australian Democracy; renewing faith with voters”.


  • Day five of NSW budget estimates will feature Minister for Multiculturalism and Disability Services Ray Williams; Minister for Family and Community Services, Social Housing, and Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Pru Goward; and Minister for Tourism and Major Events, Assistant Minister for Skills Adam Marshall.

  • Labor deputy leader Tanya Plibersek and ACTU President Michele O’Neil will speak at a rally for early childhood educators, following industrial action from employees at Blacktown Anglican Child Care Centre.

  • Former NSW premier Bob Carr will talk with Whitlam Institute Chair John Faulkner on Gough Whitlam‘s legacy and Carr’s new memoir, Run For Your Life.

  • Hawkesbury community groups will protest at the office of MP Dominic Perrottet over the destruction of colonial infrastructure in the Thompson Square precinct.

  • The Australian Education Union will deliver a letter to PM Scott Morrison’s electorate office, signed by nearly 11,000 people calling to reverse cuts to public school funding.


  • Hundreds of Queenslanders gather outside QLD Parliament for a mock trial, “You Decide: The People vs Adani”, protesting the Queensland government’s failure to, with a Friday deadline looming, as yet prosecute Adani for polluting the Great Barrier Reef at Abbot Point.

  • British politician and face of Brexit Nigel Farage will land as part of his Australian and New Zealand speaking tour.

  • The Suburban Alliance will launch a community survey on where people most want to work with a panel discussion featuring former lord mayor and premier Campbell Newman, Alceon’s Todd Pepper, and industry veteran tenancy adviser Angus Harvey Ross.

  • The Queensland Wine Industry Association will host the 35th Annual Queensland Wine Awards.


  • Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt will release a new mental health charter on how best to talk about mental health, reduce stigma, and bust myths.

  • Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack will open the National Transport Research Centre, the headquarters of transport research group ARRB.

  • National Sustainable Development chair Professor John Thwaites will deliver a keynote speech at CEDA public event, “Transforming Australia: sustainable development”.

  • Day one of the two-day 2018 Native Title and Economics Conference.


  • Labor MP Anthony Albanese will speak at the final day of the WA Tourism Conference.

  • Day one of the three-day AFAC18 Fire and Emergency Management Conference.

  • Geoffrey Robertson QC will speak at a West Events breakfast.


  • Treasurer Rob Lucas will address the SA Press Club after delivering yesterday’s state budget.

  • Minister for Child Protection Rachel Sanderson MP will speak at a National Child Protection Week Q&A Forum, featuring expert panelists.

  • Civil Contractors Federation SA President Paul Davison will give an address on the State of the Federation, while Darryl Gobbett from Baillieu Holst will give an assessment of the new state budget.

Townsville, Queensalnd

  • Opposition Leader Bill Shorten will speak at the Vietnam Veterans’ Association.

Gosford, NSW

  • Labor’s Tanya Plibersek will visit the University of Newcastle’s Ourimbah Campus with Senator Deborah O’Neill, Emma McBride MP, Sharon Claydon MP, and Labor’s candidate for Robertson Anne Charlton.

Forth, Tasmania

  • Tasmanian Senator Steve Martin will make an agriculture announcement.


  • 7000 early childhood educators across the country will walk off the job as they fight the government for equal pay.

  • Ride Share Drivers United members across Australia will log off from Uber for four hours to demand better wage conditions. Other driver groups in the US, UK and NZ will also join in (during their own standard time) today.

  • Today is Indigenous Literacy Day — a celebration of Indigenous culture, stories, language and literacy.

  • ABS will release national accounts for June quarter.


  • Australian nun Sister Patricia Fox will today return from the Philippines if she is not granted an extension to her missionary visa, after being told she breached it by campaigning for human rights.