scott morrison fatman scoop

News that ScoMoses’ latest brain bubble is to move the Australian embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem has been greeted as something wholly connected to the Wentworth byelection. For lo, ScoMoses went up to the top of Bellevue Hill, and he returned with two tablets, and lo they were Panadol, for the headache this byelection hath become.

But is that just it? Or is Wentworth acting as a cover for yet another initiative on the happy-clappy agenda? Israel has assumed great importance in the evangelical Christian agenda in recent decades, as part of a wider notion of prophecy, largely fueled by the Book of Revelation, John’s gonzo acid-trip Bible finale. In this conception, to oversimplify somewhat, the return of the Jews to Israel signals the approach of the apocalypse, leading to the Day of Judgement.

There are different types of evangelicals, some more apocalyptic than others, but Israel and the Zionist lobby has been happy to make strong links with them over past decades. That’s despite the inconvenient fact that the prophecy says that half the Jews shall be converted, and the other half flung into hell as the children of Satan. But hey, can’t agree on everything.

Central to that prophecy is that Jerusalem shall be the sole and undivided capital of Israel, of course. Has ScoMoses taken the opportunity to use the Wentworth byelection to do something we want to do anyway? Have we now got the happy-clappy version of the obsessive mediaevalism that Mr Tony foisted on us?

Is the Liberal Party now just a holdall of nutjobs and weirdos, using their brief moments in power to try to smuggle in their obsessive agenda? Meanwhile, why not move the Israeli embassy in Australia to Bellevue Hill? Doubtless, Dave Sharma, if elected, will be a fine and upstanding member, but with the impending departure of Michael Danby, there’s an opening…