There once was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy, who came to the West a century ago, to tell people that the way they were living was all wrong.
In the years before WWI, the crisis of traditional Christianity prompted a search for… anything else. Into a mess of seances, callisthenics and theosophy emerged Krishnamurti, born in India in 1895, adopted by the Theosophists and presented as a “World Teacher” — a semi-messianic figure embodying the divine human spirit.
Krishnamurti was a sensation, speaking/preaching to thousands before eventually rejecting his ordained role and becoming a humanist teacher, whose books were still a big thing through the hippie ’60s and into the ’80s. But for some, his rise was seen as a sign of weakness in the West, which now looked to its imperial possessions to supply depth and spirituality. They saw it as undermining Christian civilisation and firm purpose. In doing so, they gave Krishnamurti a profile and influence far beyond what the Theosophists had hoped for.
Greta Thunberg appears to be a “beneficiary” of this process in our era. The 16-year-old, whose physical slightness sometimes gives her a residual childlike appearance, drives the right to political conniptions. They throw torrents of abuse at her in their columns and TV shows, apologise a little when people protest them for abusing a teenager, then launch fresh attacks. They can’t help themselves. It’s grimly hilarious to watch. They rave about cult thinking, indoctrination, the misuse of the young, etc. Then start all over again.
As your correspondent has noted, the accusation that teenage climate strikers are being primed by leftie teachers is something straight out of a ’50s juvenile delinquent movie: “cut the coal, Daddyo”. Part of the right’s fantasy of “traditional values” is that society and subjectivity never changes, and that a teenager in the 2010s, will be the same as one in the 1910s when the term emerged.
The neoliberal, internet-based marketing to kids, and the sheer nature of the global crisis itself, put paid to that. Jokes about getting a teen — or a 10-year-old — to reset your laptop already sound archaic. Social subjectivity has changed to such a degree that the category of “teen” is becoming less useful than the relatively uniform thing it once was.
Undoubtedly, Thunberg has emerged as a figure because she has asserted herself, and because the invitations from adults — most recently US Congress — have flowed thick and fast. The process points to the dual character of her celebrity. It’s the product of a genuine desire to enfranchise teens — though finding someone other than Thunberg to speak might be a good idea for media and politicians — and a response to the charisma she now projects.
The right have latched on to the latter, assailing her Asperger’s, her serious manner, even her voice for Godsake. In an era which strives to total equality within diversity, they have simply added to her power, since we now accept that points along the autism spectrum are now part of human neurological diversity. It’s the right who are helping build the Greta “cult” by fixating on her — lending her the power to individually embody the “world spirit” of tens and hundreds of millions.
That Thunberg’s global role has developed cult-like aspects is both inevitable and not hugely important. Cults are worrying when they spring from simple myth — that humans are trillion-year-old spirits released from an exploding volcano, or that priests should get legal immunity because a God became his own son in human form 2000 years ago — but in this case the movement Thunberg represents is the rational side, based on science.
Paradoxically, what draws people to Thunberg, and various comparable figures, from Martin Luther King Jr to Jesus, is that what she says is simple, rational and forensic in precisely the way that politicians should be.
Thus the full paradox. Thunberg gains a slight mystical aura because of her rationality, while a figure like Scott Morrison, paid to be rational, addresses the UN with a speech oozing the sub-Krishnamurtiesque psycho-religious fusion of positive thinking.
Hillsong have done their work well on Morrison; his version of Christianity perfectly expresses the degree to which it has become an adjunct to the narcissistic cult of the self, a device to support flagging spirits and instil self-belief by turning away from objective truth.
Morrison’s concern at teenagers feeling horror and despair at the future to come is quite likely genuine. But the solution — to address the thinking about reality with other thinking about non-reality — marks him, and others, as the true cultists, devotees of the childish belief that life is specially arranged in one’s own favour.
Attached to the other cult of our era, Prometheanism (the entangled, unproven beliefs that humans can wholly dominate nature and would achieve “full human being” if they did), such magical thinking is truly apocalyptic. If for the moment Greta Thunberg embodies a “world-spirit”, it is because that world-spirit is one of materialist rationality, against the clashing cults of the burning end times.
Greta is certainly impressive as an activist but nothing she is saying is her own insight, she is just presenting a widely published scientific consensus without dissembling. What she reveals is the amount of congnitive dissonance a society has to have buried in its thinking for a child stating the bleeding obvious to make everyone loose their heads. We have a fable about this; the emperors new clothes. The kid in the story wasn’t right because they had special knowledge, they were right because they weren’t part of group think which had taken over their elders. Once revealed, the adults felt ashamed, as I recall.
Good luck with that last bit. Shame, fault and ownership of blame seem to have been banished from at least the political canon. (With hysterical but generally unhelpful results.)
Interesting analogy, Altokoi. I saw some footage of the Sky shock-jocks on Media Watch, all tut-tutting rather patronisingly over Thunberg, and how she and her deluded immature followers were tools of the Left. What struck me was that Murray, Bolt, Parnahi et al didn’t radiate their usual air of conviction and outrage. The well-practiced wrath was missing. They seemed to be going through the motions. It may not be shame, but you have to wonder if these people actually believe what they say, or whether their righteousness is due to their massive salaries.
Even by Rundle’s high standards this is a brilliant and exceptional piece. Thank you.
The heading is about Greta Thunberg.
The sub-heading is about Greta Thunberg.
So the start of the article, the intro has to be about Greta Thunberg.
Greta is female.
Did you read the article in its entirety or did you stop when your hackles rose at the very mention of a boy?
Can’t have women (or girls) telling the truth, can we? They’re “not in their place.” A lot of the critique of Greta reeks of sexism, as well as age-ism.
I’ll bet you Scott Morrison’s girls ever speak back to their father.
Given that Thunburg has played a prominent role in leading a universal movement of human citizens, why don’t you take a leaf from her book? It should be obvious that I was comparing 2 people, across a century, who found themselves in similar, and different conditions. The climate strike movements universal politics is a rebuke to the petty point scoring you manifest here.
Yes, it’s the universalism of this movement – led by this impressive young person – that gives one much hope for its capacity to bring about major change. I am heartened to know that my two lads (22 and 20), both politically inclined – but who have been turned off identifying as such after one too many snarling rebukes from their SJW peers (social justice warriors) for not quite getting the terminology right – are seriously ready to come on board!
Touche GR.
Shut up, Margaret.
And your point is….. ?
It’s thoughtful articles like this that cause me to renew my subscription to Crikey. Perhaps it’s worth bringing some of them out from behind the paywall when they’re (say) a week old, just to let punters get an idea of the calibre of what they’re missing?
All words to be found and explained in any dictionary of the English language, but the pages containing them seem to have gone missing from the copies read by our extremely right-wing reality denialist politics.
The rancorous bile and vitriol heaped on this young lady in order to obscure the truth to which she speaks is an attempt by those for whom the status quo is the foundation upon which their wealth and power is built.
If the scientific facts prevail, and action is immedialy initiated to limit the effects of global heating, then the neo-liberals who hold the reins of industry and finance will suffer a loss of some of their priviledge and wealth, if the conservative 1% mindset succeeds then we are all doomed to suffer a very difficult, if not unsustainable future – them included.
Reason doesn’t enter into this. This is all about faith – the dogma that “progressives/left can not be right”.
It isn’t even about faith. These are paid propagandists desperately trying to ensure that their paymasters continue to profit from pumping CO2 into the atmosphere. No different from the tobacco companies profiting from disease and death as long as they can.