catholic church george pell
(Image: AAP/Joel Carrett)

On religious freedom

Wayne Cusick writes: Surely a doctor who has a religious objection to a treatment should not enter a field where they may be required to perform that treatment? Also, withholding treatment based on their faith is not observing their religion, but imposing it on the patient.

Rhonda Kerr writes: I am concerned that a group who want to discriminate are using religion as a cloak. It is not Christian to discriminate. How does a law to enable discrimination by the churches fit with Galatians 3:28: “So there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles, between slaves and free people, between men and women; you are all one in union with Christ Jesus”?

Bob Joyce writes: There is one thing missing from the discussion here. The definition of religion. Christians get a guernsey, presumably all flavours from Catholic to Mormon to Hillsong and everything in between and beyond. So do all the varieties of Islam, and Hindu. I assume that the Pagans will get a look in, and you can’t really deny that Scientologists and Satanists should also get a run. People who believe in Baphomet? Rastafarians? Pastafarians? Me and my mates down the pub who worship the Boags Draught tap? Is there a limit?

On UK Labour’s next step

David Howe writes: Is the question, now Brexit is assured, what happens next for Labour? Or on another reading, what happens to the loyalties of the Remainers with Labour effectively running dead on the issue. Will they forgive and forget? Certainly the Scots have some issues.

On organ donation

Chris Cooper writes: Heartiest congratulations to yourselves for your willingness to walk the walk in publishing an opinion piece from a contributor whose outlook on the world is is typically so different from clan Crikey. Similarly, heartiest congratulations to Bob Katter for his compellingly logical views so clearly expressed. Organ donation is hard to beat as the perfect gift at Christmas — or at any other time.

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