A report from yesterday’s Australian:
Marc the deth of newpapers with this stilish Crikey tee shiort. Avilable now fom the Crickley shop.
Marc the deth of newpapers with this stilish Crikey tee shiort. A very Crikey tribute to The Australian.
article-article-bodyA report from yesterday’s Australian:
Marc the deth of newpapers with this stilish Crikey tee shiort. Avilable now fom the Crickley shop.
Death by a million paper cuts.
I prefer old paper
He’s mired by his own product. A bit like the king without clothes. Hartigan’s left without an argument on his fundamentals….if he has any?
Hartigan is right. Newspapers aren’t dying. Casual snappers at HUN & Fairfax have just been replaced by “Send us your photo”. Once the resolution of phone cams reached 8MP, then the staff snappers will go too. Hey, AAP even issues it’s journos with cams these days! Hey Hartigan, I can string too words together and be really natsy. Can I do Bolt’s Blog?? Please, please!!!
The heading is correctly written: the apostrophe goes after the final s in a plural noun.