Ewen Leslie and Jessica De Gouw in a scene from Operation Buffalo
Operation Buffalo (Image: ABC)

It was a weak night last night except for Operation Buffalo on ABC TV — 824,000 nationally — the most watched non-news non-“reality” program on TV yesterday. Keep waiting for Rake to appear from camera left with a smirk and a cutting remark about the way the Menzies government sold out Australian sovereignty. For James Cromwell another great role in an Australian production (Babe).

Seven ran back-to-back House Rules episodes — 982,000 for the first and 937,000 for the second. Seven did the same with My Kitchen Rules — it can’t get rid of the turkeys fast enough. 

The Voice (1.41 million) and Masterchef Australia (1.24 million) again squeezed Seven’s poultry.

Nine’s night, easily.

The ABC’s Insiders 689,000 nationally at 9am Sunday morning and again the most watched daytime program. Number 11 nationally.

In the regions, Seven News, 622,000, Nine/NBN News, 383,000, The Voice, 378,000, 7pm ABC News, 377,000, House Rules 1, 377,000.

Network channel shares

  1. Nine (31.6%)
  2. Seven (24.9%)
  3. Ten (20.7%)
  4. ABC (15.1%)
  5. SBS (7.7%)

Network main channels:

  1. Nine (24.0%)
  2. Seven (17.6%)
  3. Ten (15.9%)
  4. ABC (11.0%)
  5. SBS ONE (4.4%)

Top 5 digital channels: 

  1. 7mate, 10 Bold (3.4%)
  2. Gem (2.6%)
  3. 7TWO (2.4%)
  4. ABC Kids/Comedy (2.2%)

Top 10 national programs:

  1. Seven News — 1.79 million
  2. Nine/NBN News — 1.57 million
  3. The Voice (Nine) — 1.41 million
  4. Masterchef Australia (Ten) — 1.24 million
  5. 7pm ABC News — 1.13 million
  6. 60 Minutes (Nine) — 994,000
  7. House Rules (Seven) — 982,000
  8. House Rules Late (Seven) — 937,000
  9. Operation Buffalo (ABC) — 824,000
  10. Sunday Project 7pm (Ten) — 769,000

Top metro programs:

  1. Seven News — 1.17 million
  2. Nine News — 1.18 million
  3. The Voice (Nine) — 1.03 million

Losers: Seven, again — back-to-back House Rule eps, weak.

Metro news and current affairs:

  1. Seven News — 1.17 million
  2. Nine News — 1.18 million
  3. 7pm ABC News – 752,000
  4. 60 Minutes (Nine) — 716,000
  5. The Sunday Project 7pm (Ten) — 588,000
  6. Nine Late News — 501,000
  7. The Project 6.30pm (Ten) — 394,000
  8. Ten News First — 335,000
  9. SBS World News — 204,000

Morning (National) TV:

  1. Insiders (ABC, ABC News) – 689,000
  2. Weekend Sunrise (Seven) — 502,000
  3. Landline (ABC) – 475,000
  4. Weekend Today (Nine) — 322,000
  5. Offsiders (ABC) — 264,000
  6. Sports Sunday (Nine) — 238,000

Top five pay TV programs:

  1. NRL: Penrith v Newcastle (Fox League ) — 242,000
  2. NRL: Pre-Game Sunday Ticket (Fox League ) — 234,000
  3. NRL: Penrith v Newcastle (Fox League ) — 190,000
  4. Outsiders  (Sky News) – 84,000
  5. Outsiders  (Sky News) – 72,000