Darren Goodsir (Image: AAP/Nikki Short)

Tele breaches press standards Sydney’s Daily Telegraph has fallen foul of the Australian Press Council yet again, over an article claiming the Greens opposed a windfarm in Tasmania.

Former Greens leader Richard Di Natale complained the article was inaccurate and misleading — the party had never opposed the farm, a fact the Tele failed to check. In its adjudication, the Press Council said the Tele failed to take reasonable steps to ensure the article was accurate and not misleading, and that the article wasn’t reasonably fair and balanced.

The paper also breached guidelines by failing to provide a correction. But with reports the Press Council is in dire financial trouble, could this be the last time the Tele gets dragged?

Good Sir Darren Darren Goodsir, former editor-in-chief of The Sydney Morning Herald-turned-University of NSW PR honcho found himself in a real tough spot on the weekend, when his Twitter account was hacked.

And not hacked in an “Christopher Pyne liking a stray pornographic tweet” kind of way, but instead viciously compromised by what seems to be an army of malevolent teen gamers. For most of Saturday, Goodsir’s Twitter account spewed out a bunch of lewd tweets, with the occasional racist slur thrown in for good measure.

We don’t really know why the trolls came for Goodsir, but the offending tweets have thankfully been taken down. 

Succession S03 The BBC is hoping to soothe the impending TV drought with a warts and all look at House Murdoch. The Rise of the Murdoch Dynasty promises plenty of glimpses of private jets, penthouses and politicians, while also trying a little too hard to be like the hit HBO series loosely based on the dynasty.

It could also promise a glimpse at a few family black sheep, the latest of which is 20-year-old Charlotte Emma Freud, one of Rupert’s 13 grandchildren and Sigmund Freud’s great-great-granddaughter, Elisabeth Murdoch was reportedly so concerned about her daughter’s gothy, Juul-scented aesthetic she hired a personal shopper to stop her showing too much cleavage at a family wedding last year. 

Fox unhinging continues On the subject of Murdochs, it’s been a rough fortnight Fox News, even by its own dire standards. A writer for Tucker Carlson, Fox’s biggest reactionary ratings draw-card, was, shockingly, exposed as an unrepentant internet racist.

A leading news anchor was fired over the old Fox News bugbear, sexual harassment; and the network was caught cropping Donald Trump out of a photo of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. One of the network’s biggest names, Shep Smith, has jumped ship to MSNBC. And, in more incredibly dark news out of Fox-land, there are rumours Tucker “14 words” Carlson could line up as Trump’s successor in 2024.

Compare the pair In previewing today’s parliamentary inquiry into class actions, The Sydney Morning Herald‘s article led with: “Rebecca Oates had given up”.

Hours later, Oates, who was one of the plaintiffs in the vaginal mesh implants class action against Johnson & Johnson, made another appearance, this time in The Guardian.

Same plaintiff, same issue, same cardigan. Oates was one of 1300 women who took part in the class action. What are the odds?

Let’s go Sharks Last week, Scott Morrison said he would be taking a bit of time off with wife Jenny and the kids. So on Saturday, as Victoria re-entered lockdown he showed up at Kogarah, all baseball capped and buttoned up, to watch his beloved Sharkies get flogged 56-24 by the Penrith Panthers. Optics so bad he even managed to briefly lose The Oz. Normality was restored this morning, when the national broadsheet published a piece arguing that Morrison displayed “leadership and loyalty” by being at the footy.