So much for the Rees Government’s commitment to maintaining employment in his government during the economic slowdown. His department of Fair Trading is planning to slash services in its information centre in Sydney where 11 of the 38 employees were told this week that they would lose their jobs at the end of September. That goes directly against what the premier said. It appears they are secretly letting go of employees.

Federal Member for Leichhardt Jim Turnour, who won his seat in the 2007 election with the second biggest swing in the country, is so thoroughly disliked by his own local party members, and by his own left faction, that there are serious moves afoot to unseat him and preselect a different candidate for the next federal election.

As Anna Bligh climbed the cabinet seniority list the first senior post she was appointed to was Education Minister. One of the first roles as education minister Captain Bligh performed was to attend a “fundraising” dinner organised by the Enhance Group in the Enhance boardroom. The funds raised from this function all went to Bligh’s personal campaign account.

I have heard from a relatively good source inside the electronic media that the much discussed Kyle/Jackie O segment was in fact pre-recorded.

Re. Christina Buckridge, Corporate Affairs Manager, University on Melbourne (yesterday, comments) who wrote: “The University of Melbourne’s gender blindspot” (yesterday, item 6). The University of Melbourne decided not to submit an application to EOWA for 2009 because the criteria for the award had changed from previous years.” Not what I’ve been told – the University of Melbourne did apply but was knocked back. At least one Lady Prof has been toying with legal action.

NOOOO! just announced this on their Quick Crossword page: “Closure of the Crossword and puzzle service. Fairfax Digital is sad to announce the closure of our online crossword and puzzle service. The online crosswords and puzzles shall cease from midnight AEST Monday 31st August 2009.” etc. Talk about cutbacks. The online crossword was the only reason I visited SMH online (on a daily basis, I might add). Now there is no reason for me to go there at all – because I’m not that interested in half-baked celebrity gossip.

Greenpeace stops coal loading Hay Point Queensland … do you want to know what happened? This is such a joke. The port knew they were coming … so the Greenpeace people come along side and climbed up … surprise surprise … so stop all work, evacuate area and isolate it then call the police. Joke.