Dear __________
I have recently become aware, via a dossier compiled by the news website Crikey, that Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been responsible for 28 clear and demonstrable lies and falsehoods during his time in office. I also understand that the Prime Minister’s Office, despite having had all 28 instances put to them and receiving repeated requests for comment, has failed to clarify any of the statements, deny they were lies or correct the record.
Given this silence, I’m contacting you as my local member to ask that you put some questions to Mr Morrison on my behalf, either through official correspondence or during question time.
Firstly, how does the prime minister respond to the characterisation that he is a “systemic, consistent and unremitting public liar”? Does he wish to argue that anything that the dossier classifies as a lie or a falsehood is actually the truth?
The conduct detailed in the dossier goes beyond the standard political tricks of evasion or equivocation. These are lies, serious and repeated lies, and taken together they display a seemingly total indifference to the truth. Particularly coming from the highest office in Australia, this represents a big threat to our democracy.
After the Electorate Boundary was redistributed across the Georges River from ‘The Shire’, Mr Morrison (who has two young Australian daughters) became my local member. He is likely to be re-elected even though it may be into Opposition. He somehow lives with his claim to Christianity despite failing to bring the family with two young Australian daughters held as prisoners on Christmas Island back to the Biloela community which wants them. The man has two faces, we know he says lies, thank you Crikey for having the courage to publicly call him out. He is unacceptable as PM, but his Party does not seem to be calling out his behaviour, and I expect he will maintain his silence, ignore the issue and hope that the issue will quietly go away. He has form here.
No real need Charlie. I’m in Lilley and Anika is, to my way of thinking, doing a much better job of holding Morrison to account than Albo. Realistically that wouldn’t be hard. The thought that Labor could lose to worst government in our history is what really frightening.
Yes, that frightens me as well, I dread another term of this outrageous corruption and reckless disregard for our country’s future….we need a lot more Crikey/Guardian/Pearls/West journalism and a lot less Murdoch.
letter sent to anne webster member for mallee
thanks for your efforts crikey
Yes, good one. It’s time. Also for Albanese to step up.
My Federal member of Parliament is Ian Goodenough ……fat chance of getting anything out of him!
Ask him about his Rolex? Whether Ian McFarlane’s (fake/gift) was as good?
Not Good-enough
Goodenough for the Liberal Party.