A day after yesterday’s fabulous celebration of The Birthday of the Internets, a little graph to put the online world into perspective. It would seem good ol’ fashioned broadcast media still has its fans.
In the US at least, TV has, if not a future, then a pretty robust present … something to think about next time the new media conversation jumps just that little bit ahead of old media consumer reality.
(Our thanks to Business Insiders chart of the day)
Hmm… comparing how much *TV* is watched via an actual TV vs via computer seems a bit of a dull comparison.
The report also looked at total hours of internet use (at home not at work), which was around 26-30 hours for adults 18-65, only 20% of the time spent watching TV… they also found that half the time people spent on the internet at home they also had the TV going.
The full report is linked from Nielsen at: