An extremely positive result for Mr Holding and his family. Those who have spent time in and around alpine areas know that traversing back country on your own in the middle of winter carries considerable risks.

Last month was indeed the eye of the storm. We have done some extensive research to find the silver lining for Premier Rees’s first birthday in the job this weekend, and here it is — of Post WWII premiers, he has already passed Eric Willis and Tom Lewis, John Renshaw is a couple of weeks away and Barrie Unsworth a few months off. Success is indeed relative.

There are so many things to not say about John Della Bosca.

Meanwhile the Federal Opposition yet again got swamped by events in their attempts to pin a mismanagement charge on the Deputy Prime Minister. Lots of movement on the list reflecting the continuing generally low level of (serious) political coverage.

Della brought on the usual post modern deconstruction of gender relationships, the power of id and whether men should use more botox from on-air callers to radio stations.

Rank Politician Talkback
1 John Della Bosca 411
2 Kevin Rudd 205
3 Tim Holding 157
4 Nathan Rees 96
5 Brendan Nelson 95

Who the? Formerly Miss Venezuela, now Miss Universe — so now you know. We are sure Hugo is very proud that the revolution is keeping Venezuela’s stellar record at such events powering along.

Press Radio TV Internet Total INDEX
Stefania Fernandez 114 21 148 100 944 96

There’s more on the Media Monitors website.