“This is a fucking second-rate decision from a second-rate Government.”
That was Paul Keating, storming out of the Hawke cabinet in September 1990, after it had approved Kim Beazley’s proposal to merge Telecom and OTC and have a managed duopoly in telecommunications.
Keating had wanted OTC to stay separate and become the basis for a competitor to Telecom, and open competition. Instead, the debt-laden Aussat got that role.
The issue, and the fight between Beazley and Keating, dominated politics after the 1990 election. Keating’s fury was partly derived from the growing leadership tensions with Hawke, who sided with Beazley (there was by that stage talk that Hawke was promoting Beazley to replace him rather than Keating), but was mostly genuine. Beazley’s plan was cooked up in concert with Telecom management and, critically, Telecom’s unions — this was the days when Telecom had nearly 90,000 workers.
Beazley was terrified of upsetting the powerful public sector unions. Keating pushed the Treasury line for more competition and giving a serious competitor a leg-up to take on the established giant. He lost. The best place to read about the clash is Mark Westfield’s ripping yarn of a media policy history, The Gatekeepers.
Telstra was thus born in the conflict between politics and economic theory, and has remained there ever since.
In 1990, economic theory wasn’t quite as clear cut as it is now about infrastructure. The Hilmer Report, which remains one of the most important policy documents in modern Australian history, was still several years away. Encouraging competition in monopoly markets was a complex and difficult issue. Pricing access to infrastructure in a way that rewarded owners appropriately but encouraged competition was the stuff of obscure economics articles rather than public debate.
Beazley was also influenced by the experience overseas, especially in the UK, and by notions of a national telecommunications champion. The older among you might recall “national champions”, a quaint version of protectionism that suggested propping up a huge, inefficient monopoly domestically enabled it to “compete” overseas against, well, other national champions. Economic policy by B-grade movie.
When time came to privatise Telstra under the Howard Government, economic orthodoxy came up against a different opponent: naked greed.
The economic benefits of privatisation are maximised when assets are sold in a way that encourages competition. But invariably, encouraging competition means a lower price for the asset. The private sector would far prefer to buy a monopoly or stake in an oligopoly rather than a player in a competitive market, thanks very much.
Instead of breaking Telstra up and flogging its retail and network components separately, the Howard Government kept it together to maximise its sale price. Since then, some consultants — most particularly Henry Ergas — have virtually lived off this decision, providing complex and ultimately entirely spurious reasonings for Telstra to keep behaving as anti-competitively as possible and block competitors from obtaining reasonably-priced access to its network. Incidentally, Stephen Conroy had the line of the day yesterday when he noted that Ergas had recently “structurally separated from his own company.”
There’s an element of politics in Conroy’s decision to break Telstra up, to be sure. It’s about maximising the possibility that the NBN will cost the Government as little as possible by getting access to Telstra infrastructure. But it’s also good policy. It’s even brave policy. The Opposition is already talking about Telstra shareholders. Telstra shareholders have earned dividends for years off the back of Telstra’s gouging and anti-competitive behaviour. If their shares are down even further than Sol Trujillo left them, tough bloody luck. No one made you buy them in the first place. That doesn’t mean there won’t be complaints from them, which should be appropriately directed to The Australian, which will happily run them.
Conroy’s use of the threat of preventing Telstra from bidding for wireless spectrum is also smart. Wireless was the only area were Trujillo demonstrated some nous and innovation, bequeathing an excellent wireless broadband service in Next G. Conroy has seized on that as the area where he’ll place most pressure to force Telstra to comply.
Twenty years after Keating and Beazley clashed, we’re still stuck with the issue of how to resolve the conflict between infrastructure owners’ right to an appropriate return on their investment, and the benefits that flow from competitors’ access to that infrastructure on economic terms. It’s a particularly difficult issue for Australia, which has such a low population density that a lot of infrastructure is barely economic at the best of times.
Access regimes, Competition Tribunal judgments, well-armed regulators and even infrastructure owners eager to avoid a war with the Government are all second-best options. The only way to resolve the dilemma is to remove the conflict and ensure the interests of infrastructure owners and those who want to use the infrastructure accord. And the only way to do that is to ensure the infrastructure owner isn’t also offering services that use the infrastructure.
That’s where Conroy is finally taking us, correcting the huge mistake Bob Hawke and Kim Beazley made. If he does nothing else, Conroy will have done more than many of his predecessors, Labor and Liberal, managed in the intervening decades.
Incidentally, Stephen Conroy had the line of the day yesterday when he noted that Ergas had recently “structurally separated from his own company.”
I’m beginning to like Stephen Conroy in spite of his stupid net nanny filter. Does that make me a bad person?
Angus (1.36pm), yes I am sure your sentiments will be echoed by a lot of people originally dubious about Conroy. One has to say that his media performances have also been pretty good. This is a significant event for the whole tone of the Rudd government–even if there is a lot of political calculation built into it–because it is actual bold action on a very important issue with a potentially excellent outcome. By comparison Nick Minchin looked and sounded like a dinosaur in his responses; and it is notable that Helen Coonan is not to the fore anywhere, possibly because she is secretly punching the air on and congratulating Conroy on doing what she would have dearly liked to have done herself when the responsible minister.
And good article Bernard Keane. I was not in Australia at that time so it is interesting to hear about that conflict. It confirms my longstanding opinion about Beasley’s claim on the leadership, notwithstanding his good bloke credentials.
Bernard is drawing a long bow in harking back to the Hawke/Keating/Beazley era as the origin of the current state of our telecommunications landscape……Its true origins lie in the ideological obsession of the Howard Government to privatize Telstra……For all the talk now about structural separation , it was in the power of the government to do whatever it wanted with Telstra when it owned and controlled it……I don’t recall much discussion about structural separation when the sale of Telstra was underway……Perhaps I simply coudn’t hear it above chatter about the share price and of course the roar of approval from most of the commentariat…..Oh there were some murmurings and some inquiry into looking after “the bush” but that about sums up the debate we had about the sell off, of part this nation’s largest, and most critical piece of infrastructure……What of the future ?……The current Telstra leadership may well be pussycats compared to Sol and his amigos, at the end of the day however, it is their role, indeed duty ,to maximise Telstra’s profits and returns to share holders……How they will achieve this while being restructured and press ganged into helping build the National Broadband Network is anybody’s guess…..At the end of the day we’ll still be likely to end up with a private monopoly owning and running the nations Telecommunications infrastructure…..What a pity the government could not go a step further and take back conrol of the network….Forty three billion dollars surley would have gone a long way to achieving that goal.
@Angus Sharpe. Are you for real? What a pity that The Con would not structurally separate himself from a half reasonable Government. Drops the total IQ at least 100 points.
@Richard McGuire. Well said. Bernard has been in Canberra way too long. What Conroy should have done is offer to buy the PSTN from Telstra at market value, plus a premium for having taken all that money from Mums and Dads in the first place. The likes of Conroy simply don’t get it they think that the great ‘unwashed battlers’ out there are just there to be farmed and milked to suit party political purposes and the commentariat think this is ‘clever’ policy and politics. They are in for a rude awakening one day soon, me thunks.
I said it yesterday, please get the school boys out of this Nation building stuff and get some serious people involved Australians have had enough of self-serving Canberra politicians and they accolytes.
I am beginning to be greatly concerned by the ‘noises’ coming from the new Telstra CEO and his ‘merry’ men – beginning to sound just like my 4 month old kitten. Kick Telstra in the teeth and get themm working, but at the end of the day THEY alone have the nouse, horse power and sheer grunt to get the NBN up and running. The nimblies looking for a quick quid simply do not. Time the Government realised this and got into serious talks with Telstra to do the NBN.
If the Government succeeds with this ‘reverse’ take-over of a private company which is not brought to its knees by bloated debt etc etc and does NOT need Government gurantees to continue its business – banks come to mind here – then industry nationalisation is very much on the National Agenda of this Government. If this their true agenda, they need to go and soon…..
@Spare Us, yes I am for real. Thanks for asking. Do you work for Telstra?