Nearly two million Louisiana residents flee as Hurricane Gustav lessens to category 2 — not that Michael Moore cares…

Gustav a weaker category 3. Hurricane Gustav has continued to weaken this morning but meteorologists at our weather partner,, believe it will remain a “weak category 3” hurricane. (A “strong” category 3 storm means it’s closer to a category 4, and a “weak” category 3 storms means it’s closer to a category 2. At this stage the hurricane is weaker than Katrina, but massive damage is still likely, with some slight strengthening still possible. — Weather Watch Centre

Pennywise go home. I’ve despised Michael Moore since I saw Bowling For Columbine, but I suggest that anyone who still likes him take a look at this youtube video “Gustav proves that there is a God in Heaven.” Very nice. Yes, I’m aware he added that he “hope[s] nobody gets hurt,” but apparently he doesn’t care if south Louisianians experience terror, loss of income, horrible evacuation conditions, catastrophic property damage, etc., etc., as long as those ee-vil Republicans come off looking bad. — Poppy Z Brite

1.9 million people evacuate south Louisiana. State Police Superintendent Mike Edmonson said that from the reports he has received, between 90 and 95 percent of the residents of coastal Louisiana heeded orders to evacuate, some several days ago. — Nola

Odds increasing that New Orleans will be spared the worst. The big question with Hurricane Gustav is whether the storm will make landfall close enough to New Orleans to bring about catastrophic flooding in that city. Today I feel more optimistic that the city will be spared Gustav’s worst effects. Let’s discuss why. — Sciguy

Slideshow: Hurricane Gustav nears Gulf Coast. As Hurricane Gustav approached the Gulf Coast on Sunday, residents of New Orleans waited on a city bus to evacuate. The hurricane was expected to hit the area at about midday Monday. — New York Times