Another Tassie hospital rescue by Federal Government hoped for by among others, Senator Guy Barnett and the aspiring Lyons Liberal candidate. Rosebery Community Hospital, situated in Tassie’s West Coast region and part of the electorate of Lyons, faces transformation into a Community Health facility tomorrow, but an imminent Prime Ministerial bale-out is on the local wish list.

Some federal employees received “caretaker government” emails on Wednesday 19 September. Keep your eyes peeled…

The going rate for a pokie licence – which is transferable – is around a quarter of a million dollars per machine. Lets see – if they dump 160 of them that comes to 40 million bucks. I am most definitely not knocking the Crowe/Holmes A’ Court notion – in fact I applaud it – but surely someone will likely snap up those licences – which simply shifts the gambling addiction problem elsewhere. The question is will they surrender or sell? Surrendering the licences will possibly mean a tax benefit and selling them will probably mean a cash windfall – not that Russ or Pete need the dough.

I have been advised that the pro-AWA’s advertising campaign by the business community is tax deductable so if this is true it means the taxpayer is financing an even greater amount than has been disclosed publicly. These donations by the business community are hardly a legitimate business cost and therefore should not be a legitimate tax deduction.

I recently arrived in Sydney on an overnight Qantas flight to discover that they no longer serve breakfast in cattle class, leaving passengers to face customs, dogs, huge quarantine queues and so on, on an empty stomach. I wonder why they have not announced this alteration to service standards.

Can someone find out why, with appropriate water restrictions on households – there are NO restrictions on the use of BORE water in our cities? In my small inner Melbourne street alone at least 2 neighbors happily hose down their concrete paths, plants and flood the gutters any time of the day and night, depleting our underground water supply; it’s legal and it’s free!

A fair number of struggling actors are examining their consciences after paying the rest of the year’s rent with a role in a WorkChoices ad. “Why should Liberal-voting actors get all the money?” seems to be the mantra. But is the federal government guilty of fudging the fine print so it looks like they’re genuine Aussie workers and employers speaking their minds, rather than paid actors?