In a year characterised by out-and-out lies, much of Grace Tame’s impact has been in simply telling the truth.
First, her own, harrowing truth — a detailed, clear-eyed account of what was done to her as a child by an adult she should have been able to trust. Of course, before that was the fight to be able share that truth at all — for years she was legally prevented from speaking about the case, while her abuser was free to have chummy interviews with Bettina Arndt.
After the success of her work alongside Nina Funnell and many others on the Let Her Speak campaign, she was made Australian of the Year in 2021 for being an “outspoken advocate for survivors of sexual assault” and using her voice to push for legal reform and raise awareness about the impacts of sexual violence.
Tame told Crikey earlier this month she had made no conscious decision to approach the role of Australian of the Year any differently from anyone else, and she had simply spent the year being true to herself. As she stood on that podium next to Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Tame surely couldn’t have known what was to come. In retrospect though, perhaps there were clues.
First, in the conclusion to her speech, Tame gave a clear statement of purpose:
I remember him saying, ‘Don’t make a sound.’ Well, hear me now, using my voice amongst a chorus of voices that will not be silenced.
The second clue came from Morrison, who apparently gave a truly baffling and yet characteristically tone-deaf response: “I shit you not, he leant over and right in my ear he goes: ‘Well, gee, I bet it felt good to get that out,’ ” Tame later told the Beetota Advocate‘s podcast.
This, of course, was before the revelations of the alleged rape of Liberal Party staffer Brittany Higgins in Parliament House that sent Morrison to check in with the wife about where he ought to stand on such things.
Indeed, Michael Bradley already sketched the historical moment that was to erupt in the weeks that followed, and the place Tame occupied in it. In early March, she gave a National Press Club address in which she was asked about Morrison’s response:
It shouldn’t take having children to have a conscience. And actually, on top of that, having children doesn’t guarantee a conscience.
For her trouble, inevitably, the media’s free speech warriors took aim. By May, the government announced an urgent review of the Australia Day Council, though it denied a direct link to Tame.
The shifting dynamic in public life, of course, cannot be ascribed to any one person. It’s important to mention the bravery of Crikey readers’ second place for Person of the Year, and Tame’s own choice: Brittany Higgins. And the events of this year are built on the work of advocates and survivors going back many, many years.
If there’s one theme in Tame’s speeches as recurrent as the need to make noise, it’s the importance of the collective, of the ability of a “single domino” to make a huge impact.
Tame’s own influence on 2021 is a perfect example. Higgins has said Tame inspired her to speak up. And from there, on it went: the March4Justice, the sustained reporting revealing the cesspool culture in Parliament house, the release of reports the government would have happily never commissioned in the first place, yet more women coming forward, the high-profile resignations. The progress was incremental and imperfect, a few rocks thrown at the statue’s clay feet, but progress it was.
And while it cannot be stressed enough — as Tame does — that any progress relies on a lot of people, the events of 2021 are simply unthinkable without her exemplary courage.
We’ll leave you with her own words, which she wielded with such precision and fearlessness all year. In concluding her powerful National Press Club address, she said:
One voice, your voice, and our collective voices can make a difference. We are on the precipice of a revolution whose call to action needs to be heard loud and clear … Let’s keep making noise, Australia.
Grace Tame is a really great winner who has provided an example of leadership and truth telling that is inspirational.
Tame is exactly the calibre of person we need in federal politics. But it would be an awful fate for her…in fact, for anybody.
Hear ! Hear !
I’ve had many social justice heroes over the decades, and Grace Tame compares as a standout. Supported by Brittany Higgins, Jess Hill, Jane Caro, etc .. the many supportive women in the media .. we have an impressive force to counter the Australian blokiness and, sadly, the anti-feminist women in high places. May Grace Tame’s stand ultimately win the day.
Yet nothing really changes. Is it the system maybe?
Women have been articulating the same things for generations and yet here we are in 2021, adding more laws to stop men ( allegedly heterosexual) abusing women and children. Its pretty obvious its systemic ( or we wouldn’t have this PM for starters) and no amount of laws have changed anything much.
We need a judge or politician ( our alleged leaders) to explain why men in power always leave it to women to tell and badger to get ‘ more laws’ and yet nothing changes There is no initiative on the part of the men who could make a difference. Phil Cleary would probably agree.It took him 18 years to get the law changed so that men couldn’t claim that their partner leaving them was ‘ provocation’ so a defense to murdering her. Seriously. No one in power or the law had been able to work that out before. In a democracy that commemorates ANZAC Day every year.
Women still live smaller lives because of this highly abusive system despite all the talk about everyone being free in this country. They aren’t. No female is. Shame on all the lawmakers and politicians, past and present.
In the meantime, congratulations Grace. You are are and have been brilliant.
And beautifully articulated. Grace has been outstanding but as a woman in my 60s I still am appalled at the lack of real change in my lifetime
This is what happens in a patriarchy. No one seems to want to talk about that, Even some feminists talk about ‘ things are changing’ when clearly they aren’t because they can’t and why would they. Noam Chomsky talked about how governments control the conversation ( narrow the topic right down) and John Cleese summed it up in Fawlty Towers when he said ‘ don’t mention the war’! Abusing women is a global pastime ( by, weirdly, heterosexual men) and still people quote statistics ( very understated stats), including the UN, rather than discuss the real issue.Men ( of merit, no less) in power have never governed for women.Gough, possibly, being the exception in Australia.The Scandanavian countries are doing a lot better but women have had to fight for the changes there as well and have not overcome the pay gap issue which shows that men, the world over, intend to hold on to the real ticket to freedom for women: financial independence.
What a shame people don’t engage in the conversation. Its a serious topic with dozens of women murdered every year and thousands more bashed within an inch of their lives and all misogynists, (I presume) do, is express their misogyny with their little ‘ minuses’! Says so much about Australia in 2021, heading into 2022.
The negative voters are a worry. Skeletons? Men of the cloth? Pentecostals?
Little chance they will expose their reasons for debating these issues even under a false name
They wouldn’t know where to start and they know its so appalling.
Although somewhat counter intuitive, and because I have it ringing in my ears presently, the AC/DC anthem “For those about to rock, we salute you!!” somehow seems an appropriate tribute to collective loud voices that Grace Tame’s lead is forging.
Play it loud, OK!!!!