(Image: Private Media)

The wide-ranging impacts of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine can be difficult to comprehend. So, inspired by the Harper’s Index, Crikey decided an effective way to offer a panoptic view of the ramifications of the war — economically, militarily, societally — would be to break it down by the numbers.

Percentage of global economy made up by Russia: 3%

Number of Russian-controlled companies set up in the UK in the past year: 623

Decrease in trade value between Russia and Ukraine from 2011 to 2020: 85%

Ukraine’s largest export: cereal (aka grains)

Ukraine’s trade value with Russia in 2020: $7.2 billion

Ukraine’s trade value with the EU in 2021: $58 billion

Number of Ukrainian refugees who have fled the country since the Russian invasion: 1 million

Percentage of Ukrainians who said they would not want an immigrant or foreign worker as a neighbour: 27%

Percentage of Russians who said they would not want an immigrant or foreign worker as a neighbour: 32%

Percentage of Ukrainians who expressed confidence in the military: 71%

Percentage of Russians who expressed confidence in the military: 75%

Annual Russian military spending: $61.7 billion

Annual Ukrainian military spending: $5.9 billion

Portion of Russians who rate themselves as either quite or very happy: 8/10

Portion of Ukrainians who rate themselves as either quite or very happy: 8/10

Portion of Australians who rate themselves as either quite or very happy: 9/10

Ukrainian-born people in Australia: 13,366

Australians who reported Ukrainian ancestry: 46,000

The number of Ukraine-born Australians recorded in the 1954 census: 14,757

Percentage of Ukraine-born Australians who speak Russian at home: 57%

The number of Ukrainians who starved to death under Soviet rule between 1931 and 1934: 3.9 million