Thanks to Paul “Colgo” Colgan of The Punch for liveblogging as it came to hand news of the marathon surgery that was performed on conjoined twins Trishna and Krishna at Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital this week.
Before the operation, neurosurgeon Wirginia Maixner gave the eventual ideal result, (of the twins showing no signs of brain injury) a one in four chance, so betting a live blog on the resulting press conference was a pretty risky move.
Luckily for Colgo, (oh, and the twins) it all went swimmingly, and the reading public were treated to updates such as this:
Two minutes later:
Poetry, that. “In the face.”
Then, four minutes later:
Throw to some artwork:
In the face.
*Thoughtful pause*:
Yeah. Hopefully.
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I thought the ABC was a bit over the top with “the twins”.
But Colgo is clearly miles ahead in the race to the bottom.
Yech!! What a worthy winner.