Victorian State Election 2010: Mornington
Electorate: Mornington
Margin: Liberal 11.9%
Upper house region: Eastern Victoria
Federal: Dunkley/Flinders
Click here for Victorian Electoral Commission map
The candidates
DENVIR, Frank John
Electorate analysis: Mornington covers fringe Melbourne bayside suburbs 50 kilometres south of the city, from Mount Eliza through Mornington to Mount Martha. An electorate bearing the name has covered shifting territory on the Mornington Peninsula since 1859; Labor has never won the seat, although a 10.0 per cent swing brought them very close in 2002. It last changed hands when the Liberals won it from the Country Party in 1947, and was held from 1985 to 2006 by Robin Cooper, who served as Transport Minister in the last two years of the Kennett government. Cooper was succeeded by David Morris, operator of a Mornington-based property maintenance and investment business and president of the Mornington shire in the early 1990s. Morris was promoted to parliamentary secretary for local government in February 2008, shifting to environment in November 2009.
Analysis written by William Bowe. Read William’s blog, The Poll Bludger.