Plus: why Australians should care about Fox.

This week we took you inside two very different conferences. Amber Schultz relayed the most interesting kernels of the jobs summit in Canberra, while Cam Wilson delivered a diamond dispatch from a lesser-known gathering. Come inside a wedding venue in south-west Sydney where anti-vax doctors rubbed shoulders with dumped One Nation candidates as a congregation of freedom lovers made plans for their own parallel Christian society.

Also this week, Bernard Keane outlined the key role Fox News plays in Australia’s foreign and defence policy, and Keir Semmens presented a sample of the network’s inflammatory coverage leading up to the January 6 insurrection.

Plus Guy Rundle explained why Labor will not reverse the stage three tax cuts.

Have a great weekend,

Gina Rushton
News editor

Like it or not, Fox News plays a key role in Australia’s foreign and defence policy

BERNARD KEANE 4 minute read

Fox News continues to peddle conspiracy theories in support of Donald Trump and its damaging impact on US democracy will affect Australia too.

Fox News ‘fair and balanced’? Read these quotes about Trump’s loss and you decide

KEIR SEMMENS 7 minute read

From Tucker Carlson to Laura Ingraham, from Sean Hannity to Donald Trump himself, outrage and lies spewed forth from election day on.

Australia’s richest exploit ‘taxpayer-funded inheritance scheme’ with 32 SMSFs worth $100m+

CAM WILSON 3 minute read

Wealthy Australians are taking advantage of the superannuation system's favourable tax concessions.

More refresh than revolution: everyone wanted a seat at the summit, but few had anything new to say

AMBER SCHULTZ 3 minute read

Given Labor had business and training solutions at the ready, is there any point at all to the jobs and skills talkfest?

‘Us versus them’: Australia’s freedom movement wants a parallel Christian society

CAM WILSON 9 minute read

The remnants of Australia's anti-vaccine, anti-lockdown movement gathered in a glitzy wedding venue in Sydney's south-west to plan their next move.

Uluru Statement from the Heart is the only way forward for meaningful change

EDDIE SYNOT 6 minute read

Wamba Wamba First Nations lawyer and researcher Eddie Synot explains why the Voice to Parliament would be significant step forward.

Greens look to kill Voice — and hand Labor a potent weapon against them

BERNARD KEANE 3 minute read

The Greens, who regard an Indigenous Voice to Parliament as an afterthought, have hardened their opposition to a referendum.

Labor won’t reverse the stage three tax cuts. Get real. It’s in for the long haul

GUY RUNDLE 6 minute read

'Taxes buy civilisation' only works in a social democracy. Now working-class families plot their own life course. Reneging on cuts would be a political killer.

‘Monumental blunder’: opposition small business spokesperson claims electric utes don’t exist

EMMA ELSWORTHY 4 minute read

Sussan Ley has wrongly claimed electric utility vehicles do not exist. And boy have people let her know about it.

How Rumble became the world’s most popular video app

CAM WILSON 2 minute read

Andrew Tate's migration to Rumble has boosted the popularity of the 'free speech' YouTube alternative that's home to conspiracy and hate.

Crikey Defence Fund: who has donated so far and why

CHARLIE LEWIS 2 minute read

Crikey has received overwhelming support for its defence against Lachlan Murdoch's lawsuit. From Malcolm Turnbull to 'Donald Trump', here are some of our favourite comments.

At the death, Morrison and Frydenberg planned to repeal finance advice reforms

BERNARD KEANE and GLENN DYER 3 minute read

Under the guise of 'affordability', the Morrison government was planning a new attack on consumer protections in the financial services sector.

Grace Tame is right. We need to take abuse and harassment in schools seriously

AMBER SCHULTZ 4 minute read

With sexual harassment and abuse of young people endemic in Australia, consent education doesn't go far enough to protect kids.

Abetz returns as head of the Monarchist League

CHARLIE LEWIS 1 minute read

Arch-conservative Tasmanian senator Eric Abetz returns, repping a characteristically modern concern: keeping Australia British.

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