What a week.
NOVEMBER 7, 2020

Like most of the world, we’ve been transfixed by the unfolding madness of the US election this week. The Crikey team bunkered down to produce a special bonus election edition on Wednesday evening, and we’re still following closely. But, if you can believe it, there was other news about this week, too.

We’ve stayed on top of the government’s embarrassingly flawed proposed federal integrity commission, brought you the washup of last weekend’s Queensland election, and investigated the legal lengths the National Disability Insurance Agency goes to to fight people with disabilities’ claims.

Crikey has also continued to cover the Murdoch media’s influence on our political class, topped off by our Crikey Talks with Kevin Rudd on the eve of his record-breaking petition to parliament.

It was a big week, and we’re just getting started.

Have a great weekend,

Emily Watkins
News editor

Why does the national disability agency spend millions fighting people with disabilities? 

AMBER SCHULTZ 5 minute read

The NDIA spends up big on external law firms, creating a massive power imbalance. Only 20% of people with disabilities have legal representation.

In Murdoch’s News Corp the line between journalism and marketing no longer exists

DAVID HARDAKER 3 minute read

Far from breaking news and holding leaders to account, News Corp is breaking the barriers between political coverage and political influence.

6 lessons for Scott Morrison from the QLD election

MADONNA KING 3 minute read

Palaszczuk's decisive win makes it clear: Scott Morrison's biggest challenge is in front of him.

Kevin Rudd is still here to help. Can he hit Murdoch where it hurts?


As Kevin Rudd's petition for a royal commission into the Murdoch media closes, he casts blame for the current state of the US on Rupert.

Whatever the result, the clear losers are progressives and democracy

GUY RUNDLE 4 minute read

The right's attempt to derail the US election is the final manifestation of the Donald Trump era. And there's little the left can do.

Is the government’s billion-dollar manufacturing scheme another rort in the making?

GEORGIA WILKINS 3 minute read

'It's quite shocking that the ministers can get away with expanding public funds like this without proper oversight.'

How the Murdoch media is positioning for a Trumpless presidency


Rupert Murdoch may be 'resigned' to a Trump loss, but his news outlets are doubling down.

Joe Hockey and the price of selling out democracy
Although he’s a lobbyist these days with strong connections to the Trump administration, Hockey is still taken seriously by the media as some sort of US political pundit. But what sort of pundit doesn’t even know that DC is a Democratic stronghold? And for that matter, why on earth would anyone take their congressional business to a lobbyist who so patently doesn’t know basic facts about the US political system? — Bernard Keane

Joe Hockey ignores systematic voter suppression by Republicans to complain about Black Americans supporting a Democrat candidate, all in the aid of backing Trump’s attack on democracy.

Deja vu: where did it all go wrong for the Democrats this time?

JANINE PERRETT 2 minute read

It wasn't meant to be this close. Where did the Democrats drop the ball?

Locals make the call: Sky Australia out-Foxes Fox News

DAVID HARDAKER 3 minute read

Think Fox News is bad? Turns out it's got nothing on Murdoch's local operation.

Politician, dob in thyself: Christian Porter’s batshit crazy idea to tackle federal corruption

MICHAEL BRADLEY 4 minute read

Standing next to any state anti-corruption body, the powers and reach of the federal government's proposed Commonwealth Integrity Commission are deeply, deeply embarrassing.

The unchecked disinformation pandemic driving America to the edge

DAVID HARDAKER 5 minute read

It's not just fringe groups spreading dangerous conspiracies that benefit Donald Trump — Australian media is playing a central role too.

Conflict of Interest: Which corporate interests will benefit from Queensland Labor’s victory?

GEORGIA WILKINS 2 minute read

The Queensland lobbyists who advised Labor on its state election campaign have a long list of clients eager to get closer to the government.

Why Christine Holgate should ‘do a McKew’ and take ScoMo on head first

STEPHEN MAYNE 4 minute read

Former Australia Post CEO Christine Holgate has many options for her next step, but chief among them should be hitting Scott Morrison where it hurts.

How Morrison and Porter’s ‘integrity body’ will actually protect the corrupt

BERNARD KEANE 3 minute read

Not merely will it pose no threat to bent politicians, it may even help crooked ministers evade scrutiny.

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