Over the past week the Crikey team offered readers a wide range of reportage and analysis after a surprising political move from newly independent Senator Lidia Thorpe. John Buckley reported on how the crossbench responded, Guy Rundle dug into what it means for the Greens,
and Michael Bradley reflected on Thorpe’s political strategy.
Also this week Maeve McGregor considered why China would use obsolete espionage when it operates advanced satellites, Julia Bergin went deep on Australia approving MDMA for prescription,
and Cam Wilson filled us in on the fringe history of an increasingly mainstream political figure.
Plus a former Opus Dei student explained to the premier of NSW how shame works,
and plenty more.
Thanks for your support and have a lovely weekend.
The tragic road death of cyclist Angus Collins has forced a light on Australia's car-first mentality — a mentality that's harming motorists and cyclists alike.
A cyclist on Bourke Street in Melbourne (Image: AAP/James Ross)