While Australia burned, conservative politicians spent a chunk of their time chiding the left.
NOVEMBER 16, 2019

This week, while Australia burned, conservative politicians spent a chunk of their time chiding the left for politicising a tragedy. Bernard Keane asked, if now isn’t the “right time” to talk about climate change, when the hell is?

Elsewhere, Amber Schultz examined Ben Roberts-Smith’s media war, and Michael Bradley explored possible outcomes for George Pell’s trip to the High Court. Plus, welcome to the right-wing “freedom paradox” — enter at your peril!

As always, we’d love to know what you thought of the week’s news. Write to boss@crikey.com.au. Please include your full name if you’d like to be considered for publication.

Australia on fire

If now isn’t the ‘right time’ to ‘talk about’ climate change, when on earth is?

BERNARD KEANE 4 minute read

Despite what politicians say, now is precisely the time to talk about the link between bushfires, drought and climate change. Anything less is recklessness and corruption that kills Australians.

This will change us

GUY RUNDLE 4 minute read

These catastrophic bushfires can create the new rural politics we need.

Everything NSW fire services could have bought if their budget wasn’t cut

AMBER SCHULTZ 1 minute read

While Scott Morrison offers thoughts and prayers to bushfire victims, the NSW Liberal Party has cut tens of millions from state fire services.

The National Party v rural Australia

GUY RUNDLE 4 minute read

The Nats have made themselves the enemy of rural Australia's survival. If the party becomes a casualty of climate change, it will be the only one deserved.

Who is the NSW police minister who ‘would want’ his kids strip searched?


David Elliott is in the headlines once again, this time after getting into a fight with a 17-year-old boy.

What happens now that Pell is going to the High Court?

MICHAEL BRADLEY 4 minute read

Importantly, this outcome doesn’t tell us much about the prospects of Pell’s actual appeal. The High Court is unpredictable in its decisions.

War hero’s reputation fought on the media frontline

AMBER SCHULTZ 4 minute read

While News Corp and The West Australian laud Victoria Cross winner Ben Roberts-Smith as a hero, their competitors at Nine continue to investigate allegations against him.

New Zealand defies Australia, saves journalist from offshore detention

REBEKAH HOLT 3 minute read

Award-winning journalist Behrouz Boochani has been given a reprieve, albeit perhaps briefly, in New Zealand. It's a move that will strain trans-Tasman relations.

The Irishman, Netflix, and cinema’s long fade to black

CHARLIE LEWIS 4 minute read

That so few cinemas were willing to play Martin Scorsese's latest gangster epic ahead of its release on Netflix later in the year says a lot about where the industry and the artform are heading.

Enter the right-wing freedom paradox, if you dare

GUY RUNDLE 4 minute read

Australia's biggest "commies" aren't raving greenies, but rather the freedom-loving right, like the bright boys and girls at the IPA.

Nationals’ climate hysteria exposes party’s fundamental flaw

BERNARD KEANE 3 minute read

The National Party has failed to move with its own base in accepting the need for climate action — because it simply can't.

An incomplete list of reasons why Australia won’t celebrate Margaret Court

AMBER SCHULTZ 2 minute read

Tennis Australia won't be rolling out the red carpet for Margaret Court this year. Let's see if we can figure out why...

What right does Gable Tostee have to protect his reputation?

MICHAEL BRADLEY 4 minute read

Gable Tostee's threat to sue an online feminist group for defamation highlights the conflict between the principle of free speech and a person's right to protect their reputation.

Morrison’s stagnation is harming ‘quiet Australians’

BERNARD KEANE and GLENN DYER 3 minute read

Despite the government's claims that wages growth is picking up, it fell in the December quarter. Scott Morrison's 'quiet Australians' face years of minimal pay increases.

How Quadrant continues to defend a convicted paedophile


The journal has been as dogged in its defence of Pell as it has been in its attacks on the legal system that saw him convicted.

Roosevelt in the streets, Trump in the sheets? Frydenberg lauds multilateralism

BERNARD KEANE 4 minute read

While Scott Morrison attacks "unaccountable internationalist bureaucracies", Josh Frydenberg lauds international institutions. Is Australia multilateralist or not?

Bono heralds the end of The Age

GUY RUNDLE 2 minute read

U2 are the latest herald of a once-great paper's destruction.

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