The world takes a breath.
JANUARY 23, 2021

The world breathed a sigh of relief this week as Joe Biden was sworn in as US president without incident. It was, as Guy Rundle wrote, a return of power to the political elite.

And while the inauguration was the big story of the week, big tech hasn’t been far from the headlines. While social media platforms struggle to keep QAnon conspiracy theorists off their sites, Google is threatening to withdraw its search engine from Australia entirely.

But while staying on top of all this, we’ve also continued to keep an eye on the powerful, not least of all Scott Morrison — as much as he’d probably like us to stop “playing politics”.

Have a great weekend,

Emily Watkins
News editor

As Biden acts, the prime minister stays silent on QAnon (and his family friend)

DAVID HARDAKER 6 minute read

As the far-right QAnon conspiracy theory faces a crackdown under the Biden administration, questions are once again raised about Scott Morrison's connections to its supporters.

End Game

Exit the thug, enter the elite: presidential power returns to the establishment

GUY RUNDLE 6 minute read

Sure, Trump was a four-year con, but at least his final exit wasn't as boring as over at the inauguration proper.

Donald and me: two political losers in search of meaning

DICK GROSS 4 minute read

When one is unceremoniously dumped by those who you thought loved you, it does your head in.

America’s fever dream is over but came close to lasting another four years

GUY RUNDLE 5 minute read

It will take months, years to untangle the ramifications of Trump's four years in power. And to think there could have been four more.

ScoMo’s Biden pivot will be on solid ground but against a change in the climate

JANINE PERRETT 3 minute read

Despite having sucked up to Donald Trump, Scott Morrison can expect Australia's relationship with the US to remain (mostly) strong.

Can Melbourne have its Open? It’s a matter of risk management


Tournament organisers are adamant things will go ahead. But should it?

‘I won’t be playing politics’ says the man paid to play politics — while playing politics

AMBER SCHULTZ 4 minute read

Do as I say, not as I do.

Brendan Murphy is a great Australian but should he be Australian of the Year?

GEORGIA WILKINS 3 minute read

Should a public servant receive so high an honour just for doing their job?

In search of a ScoMo doctrine: what the PM’s foreign policy says about us — and him


The Coalition's handling of Trump, China and an increasingly unstable world could tell us a lot about how Morrison sees Australia's role on the global stage.

Sports rorts to Cartier: the scandal reports Morrison doesn’t want to release

CHARLIE LEWIS 3 minute read

The Morrison government is back to its favourite activity — sitting on reports and refusing to show even a thread of accountability.

Should the government be liable for Craig Kelly’s dangerous misinformation?
Starting out as just an irritatingly stupid climate change denier — your run of the mill Coalition backbench fathead — Kelly has morphed regressively into a Pete Evans-level conspiracy theorist. On COVID-19, he is a public menace, spouting deeply dangerous rubbish about vaccines and miracle cures. — Michael Bradley

Will Scott Morrison grow a spine and call Craig Kelly out?

This Australian has spent seven years in a foreign jail without trial. Why?

MADONNA KING 3 minute read

Troy Russell Birthisel is innocent until proven otherwise. But when will he get the chance to prove his innocence in a Philippine court?

Senators outraged as Google threatens to leave Australia. We did mention that last week…


Google has threatened to remove its search engine from Australia, saying the proposed news media bargaining code is its "worst case scenario".

What a post-Trump media looks like — still splintered, still finding facts a hard sell


The Trump years splintered the US media. But now a bigger problem has emerged: can the media survive without him?

Small and regional publishers press for a say on Facebook, Google code

GEORGIA WILKINS 2 minute read

As executives prepare for Friday's Senate committee hearing into the news bargaining code, small and regional publishers are still working on getting a seat at the table.

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