Lets see what we find
JUNE 26, 2020

Being part of an independent, agile and locally-owned publishing outfit has many benefits. One is that we can just do stuff to see if it works. This week, for instance, we’ve added a Conflict of Interest round to our mix in the form of reporter Georgia Wilkins. (Any tips? Send them through to coi@cikey.com.au.)

Looking at conflicts goes to our long-standing interest in holding the powerful to account and picking up rocks often ignored by other media. Part of that is asking questions of the news media itself. Why, for instance, would the ABC think about making its chief economics correspondent redundant in the midst of a recession? Why is Andrew Bolt dog-whistling on race? Why would The Australian instinctively seek to defend Dyson Heydon? These are just some of our recent queries. You can read our findings below.

And if you have any thoughts, comments or ideas, feel free to email us at letters@crikey.com.au, or respond to our question for the next instalment of The Proposition. The question is: If the coronavirus crisis results in at least one major permanent change to the way we live our lives, or conduct our society, what would that change be?

Before I go, I should mention that even though the Crikey paywall is back up, our pay-what-you-want subscription drive is still very much alive, and ends Tuesday June 30. While I appreciate there is plenty of good journalism out there (in fact we wrote about it only yesterday), it’s also true that it costs money to produce it.

Crikey, in short, needs you and, hopefully, you appreciate it.

Have a great weekend,

Peter Fray

Anatomy of a News Corp beat up

CHARLIE LEWIS 2 minute read

Don't expect this to be the last time News Corp goes after Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe. Once they spot an ideological enemy, there is no development, no angle, that will be left unexplored.

The Heydon inquiry

Anatomy of a sting: how sexual harassment allegations against a High Court judge came to light

AMBER SCHULTZ 3 minute read

Crikey goes inside how a pair of journalists reported Dyson Heydon's downfall...

A question of probity: was ‘Dirty’ Dyson Heydon biased against women?

MARGOT SAVILLE 3 minute read

Findings of sexual misconduct by former High Court justice Dyson Heydon have brought fresh questions about his rulings.

Dyson Heydon shows us how judges aren’t just blind to the abuse of power, they’re complicit

MICHAEL BRADLEY 4 minute read

The institutions of society reckon that men like Dyson Heydon would never be so 'stupid' as to abuse their power. But they are.

Dyson Heydon is not being martyred. An employer simply did the right thing

MICHAEL BRADLEY 4 minute read

The suggestion Dyson Heydon's reputation has been shattered is correct — he has been found, following a due and fair process, to have done things that deserve exactly that result.

Another COVID conflict? Calls for transparency over second role for Liveris

GEORGIA WILKINS 3 minute read

Chemicals billionaire and former Trump adviser Andrew Liveris is sparking more questions about his potential conflicts of interest as the chair of a second COVID commission

The government won’t go green after COVID-19 — and the public won’t care

BELINDA NOBLE 3 minute read

History tells us that the searing urgency for climate action after the summer's bushfires will cool unless principled people keep up the good fight.

Will Bettina Arndt join the Order of Australia’s shame file?

DAVID HARDAKER 5 minute read

Over its 45-year history, the Council of the Order of Australia has stripped awards from 46 people. Is Bettina Arndt next?

The midst of a recession is the worst time for the ABC to cut economics coverage 

AMBER SCHULTZ 3 minute read

The ABC is proposing a cut to its business reporting team in the midst of a recession.

A decade on, there are valuable lessons from the Gillard years

BERNARD KEANE 4 minute read

Ten years on, the Gillard government is associated with scandal and soap opera. But its economic successes hold lessons for Australia in 2020.

Why Andrew Bolt is addicted to vilification
Because Bolt’s innate posture — and that of the people he speaks to and for — is one of self-pity. Unlike, say, Tony Abbott, there is very little nostalgia in Bolt’s conservatism. It is simply victimhood. The brave truth-teller who can find no worthier opponent than migrant families and bullied gay kids, crying “you can’t say anything anymore” while his employer pays his legal bills and he turns out three blog posts a day. — Charlie Lewis

Andrew Bolt’s recent, vicious attacks on people of colour suggest he’s trying to get back to happier days.

How did Dan Tehan stuff up higher education reform so badly?

GUY RUNDLE 5 minute read

The government's university fee hike is a sloppy, rushed proposal which will achieve the opposite of what it proposes... but maybe that's the point.

Australian journalists are producing miracles amid industry collapse

DAVID HARDAKER 6 minute read

Australian media are producing some of their biggest stories while mastheads continue to fold.

Time to ban facial recognition in Australia before it wrecks more lives

BERNARD KEANE 3 minute read

US states, cities, police forces and tech companies are turning their backs on facial recognition technology. Why is Australia continuing to embrace it?

Ten reasons why Jacqui Lambie should reject the university funding reform bill

GUY RUNDLE 4 minute read

Jacqui Lambie is in a unique spot to derail the government's proposed university fee hike. Here's why she should.

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