The China fight gets ugly
DECEMBER 5, 2020

Just when you thought our relationship with China couldn’t get any worse, tensions between Australia and our biggest trading partner escalated even further this week over… a tweet. How very 2020.

In covering the story we examined “shitpost diplomacy”, analysed how Australia and China got to this point at all, and asked where it all might lead.

We’ve also kept an eye on Gladys Berejiklian, reported on former defence minister Christopher Pyne’s new gig, and waxed poetic about Andrew Bolt’s big move.

And don’t forget, Crikey gift subscriptions are 50% off between now and December 22nd. A Crikey gift subscription is something you can get done right now, won’t get stuck in the mail, doesn’t produce any plastic and keeps on giving all year long.

Have a great weekend,

Emily Watkins
News editor

Bolt trades one lefty paradise for another

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Andrew Bolt is fleeing a Melbourne he no longer recognises... but his new home may not give him what he seeks, writes Guy Rundle.

The NSW premier says pork-barrelling isn’t breaking the law. We put that to the test

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Crikey legal expert Michael Bradley on whether Gladys Berejiklian acted illegally.

Made in China

Beijing scores a direct hit. Australia loses out to China’s ‘shitpost diplomacy’


Zhao Lijian's 'shitpost' on Twitter provoked exactly the desired reaction from Canberra.

ScoMo talked to Chinese people on WeChat. This is what they said back

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China-Australia relations, where words now speak louder than actions

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Some uniquely Australian mental gymnastics are needed to be outraged at China's SAS tweet but to ignore the rest of its years of aggressions.

The big whine: Australia’s no victim when it comes to trade bullying

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If you believe the media, China's attacks on Australian exports are a major crisis wreaking havoc on companies and jobs. But the truth is not so simple.

Gun for hire: Pyne’s new role with government’s go-to arms dealer

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Former defence minister Christopher Pyne's latest role is with one of Australia's biggest beneficiaries of defence contracts.

Just why did Kylie Moore-Gilbert go to Iran in the first place?

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Did the Islamic scholar married to an Israeli think being an academic would keep her safe? Or was she a genuine innocent abroad?

COVID scapegoats: the one national sport that’s been playing the full season


The hunt for COVID-19 scapegoats not only fails to address the issues that lead to outbreaks, but creates new health risks as well.

The hypocrite of the year award. The nominees are… numerous

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It's been quite a year.

When the families of Uyghur activists in Australia were held hostage to silence dissenting voices abroad, we should have ignored their appeals. Our mistake. — DFAT

EXCLUSIVE: Australian foreign ministry apologises to China

Dispute over medals reveals more powerful networks behind Australia’s special forces

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Less than two weeks after the release of the shocking Brereton report, the political resolve to confront one of the country’s most shameful chapters has already started to shift.

More than just an apology: Afghan-Australians on what next after Brereton report

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The Brereton report is a good start, but the Australian government needs to go a lot further to make amends, Afghan-Australians say.

Vale accountability — what ministers used to assume when they crossed the line

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Is it really too much to expect from our politicians the same level of integrity expected of citizens?

What does RSL Victoria have to hide? Might take a blue Moon to find out

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The old guard is using every trick in the book to hold on to power — but younger veterans are armed and ready for action.

Dutton gives cops and spooks more power — again. Do they really need them?


The government says its new security laws will stop bad guys, but does ASIO and its friends really need the extra power?

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