The best journalism often aims to provide a different perspective...
AUGUST 7, 2021

There is a conundrum at the heart of journalism: it acts to simplify a world that essentially isn’t simple. You might say that that’s OK, journalism is the first raw cut of events — events that may or may not prove to be significant. Or you might, as we endeavour to do at Crikey, always, instinctively aim to get behind the story — even in its early iteration.

Today’s edition of the Crikey Weekender offers some examples of where we’ve tried to add light and perspective to a running issue. Take, for instance, the suspension of Sky News from YouTube. A cause for relief (if not celebration) in certain circles. But Cam Wilson offers another way of looking at it.

In a similar fashion, Georgia Wilkins has a different take on the elevation of women as CEOs, while Amber Schultz goes deep on COVID vaccination rates and Bernard Keane does what so few journalists seem willing to do: call out the prime minister’s lies and falsehoods.

Read those stories, plus plenty more from the Crikey team, below.

Have a great weekend,

Peter Fray

A rattled Morrison keeps the falsehoods coming thick and fast

BERNARD KEANE 3 minute read

It's now an established rule of Australian politics that when Scott Morrison is under pressure he tells more lies and falsehoods. And the last month has been no exception.

The stench of corruption from Morrison is becoming all-pervasive in Canberra

BERNARD KEANE 4 minute read

If Scott Morrison and Alan Tudge thought the scandal of rorting hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money had been left behind, they had a rude awakening this week. And their efforts to escape the perception of corruption were laboured at best.

When the blokes bugger it up, who you gonna call? Ask Alexis

GEORGIA WILKINS 3 minute read

Women are increasingly taking on high-profile, high-powered corporate positions. But do they only get their chance once the blokes have stuffed it up?

Sky's the limit

Don’t thank YouTube for suspending Sky News. It’s a monster of its own making.

CAM WILSON 4 minute read

YouTube's temporary suspension of Sky News for promoting pandemic misinformation has been lauded. But it's a token gesture, given their mutually beneficial relationship.

Sky News ban shows that Turnbull was right: News Corp threatens more than democracy

BERNARD KEANE 3 minute read

YouTube's decision to take down pandemic misinformation spread by Sky News illustrates how News Corp is not merely dangerous to democracies, but a threat to health and safety.

Risky, cavalier and lacking a duty of care: how Australia’s vaccination goals stack up

AMBER SCHULTZ 3 minute read

National cabinet has released Australia's new vaccination goals – and experts worry that the bar has been set far too low.

Dear Year 12: a letter about you, the pandemic and your future

MADONNA KING 3 minute read

Remember: your future is in your hands, so how you learn from this COVID crisis will be the making of you — and of Australia's future.

How an Islamic concept distorted by the alt-right is part of Ben-Roberts Smith’s defamation case

CAM WILSON 3 minute read

The former soldier's legal defence is homing in on an Islamic concept so obscure most Muslims are unaware of it.

McKenzie’s ministerial oversight questioned once again over new bushfire scheme

GEORGIA WILKINS 3 minute read

Concerns are been raised that Senator Bridget McKenzie's latest community funding scheme has the perfect conditions for a repeat of sports rorts and other grants scandals. Is it a case of history repeating itself?

The mind of Guy Rundle

Did COVID cause the final disconnect between politics and reality, or did it reveal what was already broken?

GUY RUNDLE 4 minute read

In years past, an event as buffoonishly mishandled as the government's treatment of the COVID crisis would be a political disaster. Today it barely registers on the scale.

Labor: from blood donor to bleeding out?

GUY RUNDLE 5 minute read

Labor's cash-for-vaccination plan suggests the party is losing the most basic ability to think through political challenges from within its own social democratic traditions — and the Coalition will benefit.

Paranoid, extroverted, male, desperate: a guide to anti-lockdown protesters

AMBER SCHULTZ 3 minute read

Most people shrug and soldier on when forced into lockdown. But some cannot accept the restrictions — and their personalities spur them into taking risks.

It’s time to straighten out our fetishisation of experts, and how much power we give them

BERNARD KEANE 4 minute read

Australian politicians and experts have a weird — and self-defeating — relationship. It's time we sorted it out.

The inside story: how homegrown ‘true patriots’ sharing conspiracies on a Zoom call sparked police raids across three states

CAM WILSON 5 minute read

Police raids across the country earlier this week highlight how online chatter about conspiracy theories can mutate into real-world consequences.

Let’s not start believing ancient techniques will cup-grade your performance

TORY SHEPHERD 3 minute read

Viewers of the Olympics will have noticed cupping bruises on the bodies of our swimming champs. Is it a valid form of alternative medicine or just potentially dangerous woo-woo?

New strains, fake authors, and cancel culture alive and well…. in heaven!

CHARLIE LEWIS 1 minute read

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