As a wild week wraps up, Crikey readers took to the comments to mull over the big (publishable) stories. First there was Theresa May’s near-deposement and the ramifications for Brexit (Guy Rundle wrote that it made things more complicated than ever). Then there was Scott Morrison’s less-than-lauded anti-corruption body, (piss-weak, to put it in Bernard Keane’s words), and finally, flying a little more under the radar were the thrills and spills of the Westpac AGM.

On May’s latest Brexit plight

Jeremy Henderson writes: One consolation for the Leavers — no refugee with a brain will seek asylum in such a madhouse.

Wayne Robinson writes: Neville Chamberlain survived a no confidence motion in May, 1940, “winning” with a majority of 81 votes. 33 of his Conservatives voted against, along with five of their allies. Many Conservatives abstained.  Chamberlain resigned. Theresa May not having the confidence of 117 of her Conservatives is arguably a much worse result and doesn’t make her position tenable.

Filthy Dancer writes: There is no way in hell that May would allow another referendum to take place. The mystery to me is why Corbyn doesn’t call for one — or at least make it an election issue. I can’t see how the public now watching the entire leadership, on both sides, clutching their pearls and openly panicking, would not reconsider their position.

On Morrison’s disappointing anti-corruption body 

Glyph Petra writes: It looks like ScoMo has learned something from the banking royal commission: better to have a fake initiative early than a real one later.

TheRabidHamster writes: That’ll do it Scotty, that’ll counter the ALP, you’ve snookered them you bloody genius. It’s like Tony and the NBN he made Turnbull roll out, using two jam tins and a length of twine. Or Gonski 2.0, where we send an extra bit of chalk to public schools and install a new pool and polo field in private schools.

On the cluelessness of the banking elite

zut alors writes: It’s almost worth buying a handful of bank shares to participate in the executives’ humiliation.

Peter Shulz writes: The royal commission by itself has not and will not change anything. A union survey of bank staff released in November found that nothing has really changed — staff are still under pressure to meet unrealistic sales and referral targets that are often not in the best interest of the customer.

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